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Ultrapin from 2007.... how rubbish is it?

Pick Holder

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Jul 18, 2016
Bournville, Birmingham.
Well it is 2024. Virtual pinball has come on leaps and bounds since 2007....... or has it?

I purchased a used ultrapin, not working. I have converted maybe 10 of these already so I did have a plan in my head.

Screenshot 2024-07-22 at 22.59.27.png


So the cab is pretty good, been looked after. The computer was DOA - someone had plugged it into 230v, Ultrapins stock have a 230-110v transformer inside to step it down for UK/European models.

Something told me to have a look if I could get the original PC going, almost for 'old times sake'.

The games come with a whopping 1gb of DDR2 memory. So I switched this out to 4gb. Also installed a SATA SSD and luckily I have a ghost image on a hard drive. The OS is windows XP embedded and now the whole machine now boots in 30 seconds. Put in some new heatsink compound on the CPU. I thought I could use the motherboard for a Pinbox converison if I didnt keep it.

I had no intention in keeping this machine stock.....

I put the PC In and it booted all fine. The guy had messed with some parts and took out all the speakers, so I threw some in that I had knocking around in the workshop.

Having discovered as well the final update CD that was done by someone on the original team - it now has 15 games instead of 12.

The thing is - out of these 15 games I enjoy 12 of them.

I started off AFM and to my shock it played. What did shock me was the lag, or the lack of it! On a ancient graphic card it ran 3 ball multiballs in AFM without stutter.

The graphics on playfield are actually better than on the 4K At games heap of rubbish. The ultra pin has a 1366 x 720 display in it.

Have replaced the 'translite' lighting with LEDs. I do have the 'ultrapin on steroids' software somewhere, but trying it before I was not a fan.

I now have a choice to make. Do I leave it as it is and keep it 'retro'.....? Or do I put in the PC I have already got waiting for it - with the GTX1050ti 4gb graphic card and 16gb ram, throw in a 1080 playfield monitor, turn the 19" backglass monitor lanscape and fit the ZeDMD I have knocking about in it along with other bits and bobs.

Having enjoyed playing it for a couple of hours today I may still keep it stock..... May even put it on site!

If anyone shows an interest I do not mind posting up some other information about this machine.
Phil i think you must have owned all of the few of these in the Uk it was my first Vpin John Beveridge got me and after trying 4 other types of VPins since i must agree this was ahead of its time and in my opinion the best one i owned ,.As you say not many games but when you got me that hard drive you made to just plug in and play it was brilliant. I would keep it original as there cant be many left. Nice to play without loads of those blooming buttons all over it and i bet it would be a good one to site,
The Black Knight 2000 playfield was scanned from my scrap machine as Global VR coudln't find one in the US. They bought a Fishtales playfield as well for good measure and send me a big prepaid box
@steve brum - well, I have the last update that never got officially released by Global VR - it has Fishtales as one of these games. Brian Smith aka Destruk set it me a long time ago, luckily I did a ghost image of it (as the original CD failed). They had planned to add Theatre of Magic, Monster Bash and another few games to the system. Brian left vpforums many years ago, and turned his back on this part of the hobby.

@keith b smith - yes I have had a lot of these. It think 10 was a conservative number. Three people on here have one of my upgraded ones. When given the chance I used to buy them back, update them and sell them on.

Approx 200 got made and I guess maybe 20 in the UK at the most. The one I have now is 100 so half way thru the builds.

I do have the UltraPin on steroids HDD still so I may try that in it as well.
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