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UKPinfest 2022 - August 26th, 27th & 28th

Card payments will now be accepted for entry into the event and the competitions.

PLEASE NOTE - There will be a 2% surcharge on card payments to cover the transaction cost
Is there some new law prohibiting these charges?
I am not complaining, just checking that you are aware.
Is there some new law prohibiting these charges?
I am not complaining, just checking that you are aware.
The other option would be to simply remove those charges from the Prize fund, or remove card payment altogether.
Just researched it. You're right. I think the easiest thing for everyone is to remove it from the prize fund? Card payments are a lot easier for most people these days. Thoughts?
Keep the cash option open for us oldies who like to know where our hard earned goes.
Any info Phil? First i have seen of that!!
A law was introduced a few years ago to stop companies charging for using credit cards, not sure you have ever been allowed to charge for debit cards.

I remember years ago you used to get charged to use a CC on just eat, not sure on debit cards but if you selected cash there was no charge, their response to the law was to just charge a "Service Charge" to every order including paying cash on delivery, instead of a fee for using a card.
Big Phil added a new event:

UKPinfest 2022 - August 26th, 27th & 28th

Read more about this event...


The only way you can do this is to either call the hotel direct on 01327 307000 and speak to Hollie (Please make sure you're speaking to the hotel and not the contact centre) or email HA0I0-RE@accor.com

Quote UKPinfest

£65 for single occupancy per night B&B
£75 for double/twin occupancy per night B&B
Finally, making belated return to enjoy the PinFest fun. Had an amazing time on my first taste of the event couple years back. Pumped to come again and enjoy the pleasant company and amazing pins.
Apologies if already mentioned. Couldn’t find on search…
Do you think cheap blank name badges, the ones with a safety pin, you write your own name + Pinball info ID?
Thinking for us newbs..
Is this a bad idea…lol
Maybe bring your own?
Apologies if already mentioned. Couldn’t find on search…
Do you think cheap blank name badges, the ones with a safety pin, you write your own name + Pinball info ID?
Thinking for us newbs..
Is this a bad idea…lol
Maybe bring your own?

@ailsaclunie did this last year and was a fantastic idea.
Apologies if already mentioned. Couldn’t find on search…
Do you think cheap blank name badges, the ones with a safety pin, you write your own name + Pinball info ID?
Thinking for us newbs..
Is this a bad idea…lol
Maybe bring your own?
Looks like an opportunity to use my t-shirt with the velcro letters
heh, everyone is stealing INDISC format, NYCPC did it and now this :D
Sigh…..you’re a strange one Neil. You turn up with a bunch of roses in one hand and a pile of dog poo in the other.

Not one person is digging at you about your event. Everyone is fully supportive.

Only one person is constantly digging at UKPinfest.

Go figure!
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