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UK Pinfest 2024 Open Competition - Announcements


10 Years
Sep 9, 2011
Hey all. As some of you might already be aware Wayne is currently in hospital with some health issues and will sadly be stepping back from his role in the Pinfest comp this year. My own involvement at Pinfest was due to be more challenging this year as we are still aiming for IFPA Certified, with longer qualifying and more thorough finals, plus I'd need cover whilst I run league finals.. so we really needed someone with massive enthusiasm, experience and respect within the community to try and help out

Please welcome Claire and David

I'll still be very much involved with the Pinfest Open this year, but it's largely as part of a handover transition, with the aim of Claire and David fully taking over should they wish to do so. I'm sure everyone will be incredibly supportive and I'm personally enormously grateful and looking forward to seeing what they can bring to this.

In addition, we can announce the first 10 games that we'll have in the competition. These are of course subject to change, and we will be announcing more games in addition to these soon

World Cup Soccer - Claire
Creature from the Black Lagoon (with Soren rom) - Claire
Jackbot - Nick Clark
Mousin' Around (with Soren rom) - Jmac
Flash Gordon - Jmac
The Walking Dead - Jmac
Paragon - Craig
Taxi - Spandangler
Bond 60th - Neil
Rush - Neil

As mentioned, this will be an IFPA Certified competition, with the full rules listed at : http://www.ukpinfest.com/competition
Goes without saying, all the best with your recovery Wayne.

There could not be a better choice than Claire and David to take this on, lovely people and have run a huge number of events. No wonder the East Anglia region is thriving. I’m sure that they and Paul will make a great team!
Hope Wayne is feeling better very soon!

Claire and David will run an epic tournament I have every confidence. Its amazing just how many they do throughout the year, so many different formats, venues, games. I doubt there's much left a pinball comp could throw at them.

Games list already has great variety, though no idea which I'd pick out of those just yet 😂
Thanks for all the kind comments and encouragement here and privately!

We were incredibly flattered being first choice to take over the Pinfest main and it took a bit of deliberation and consideration as it's a huge job and a lot of hard work.
We love running events, and I think we make a decent team considering our different skill sets, we've had plans to go bigger but there's not really a transitional point from doing comps at our house or other venues to a size like Pinfest so we have to jump in and do our best 😄.

I'm really proud of the game bank, especially considering I wanted it 90% confirmed before the announcement (as a lot of people had been asking about it for weeks) and I had it mostly confirmed in a few days. I tried to keep it balanced with a spread of different eras and games that are great comp games.
There's more to come that are confirmed but pending logistics...and yes more moderns 😄
Really wanted to give this a go this year but I've been selected for Jury service the week commencing the 12th, then a wedding on the Saturday (official Nigerian attire, I know I will look like an absolute prat) Therefore would only be able to try for qualifying on the Friday evening. If by a miracle I did qualify, I would be able to do the Sunday though 🙏🙏🙏
Really wanted to give this a go this year but I've been selected for Jury service the week commencing the 12th, then a wedding on the Saturday (official Nigerian attire, I know I will look like an absolute prat) Therefore would only be able to try for qualifying on the Friday evening. If by a miracle I did qualify, I would be able to do the Sunday though 🙏🙏🙏

You only need one good ticket so doable.
Anyway, I'll get there for Friday night no problem. If I can qualify I think I'm screwed anyway. Wedding is for 13:00, as it is a Nigerian wedding that translates as 16:00 🙄
@Wizcat @Big Phil

Just wondering if you can clarify as I have a few European guys asking.

On the Pinfest website the opening hours of the show and the tickets you can buy via Eventbrite are for Friday 7pm-Sunday 5pm. Obviously qualifying for the Pinfest Open runs from 10am on Friday morning. Logistically how will that work? It may be worth clarifying on the website in some way if possible?

I'm guessing that those playing in the tournament on Friday will be able to just turn up and buy their tournament entries separately? I don't want to give out wrong info, so just wanted to check.

Thanks, Craig
This is our schedule as things stand, and reasonably confident in this, though 'subject to change' :


The early opening for comps on Friday should be manageable. Shaun's comp is in the room near to the bar, and the Open comp will most likely be sectioned off from the rest of the show whilst setup takes place.
Okay......sorry for the lack of additional info. I should have jumped on this as soon as the comps were announced.

Eventbrite is a bit limited as to how you can publish events. You can only put one start date and finish date in there. I don't want to say the event starts at 10am on Friday as that will confuse many more people. I've added the Friday 10am comp starts into the description.

I've also added details to the website which is live now. Again, I apologise as I should have jumped on that straight away.
AKA the sweatbox. The A/C BETTER be running this year!
It's why I moved out after the first year. Into a room that was supposed to have A/C - unfortunately not the case.
We'd really appreciate help with scorekeeping this year - for both the Main and the Classics. Please take a look and sign up -

Main: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1qHRMrnVqaCSvK8slbxNeWiuaiZXnQwJdsPSYKJB-rTs/edit?usp=sharing

Players will receive a £10 'tournament credit' for a 2 hour shift - that would cover either registration and their first ticket, or two additional tickets if already registered. (As well as good feelings and some chocolate!)

Please ask @Arv if you're interested in scorekeeping for the Classics :)
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