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UK Pinfest 2023 - August 25/26/27th

More and more seem to be staying on Thursday night. Traffic isn’t as bad and it is a good chilled night before Friday setup.

Sunday is celebration night after the weekend of pinball. Mainly staff and those with long journeys.

Some stay all four nights.
I assumed Thursday was only open to machine donators and the event staff. Can anyone with VIP tickets come and play machines on the Thursday? Or is that an additional charge?
There are no machines available to play on Thursday evening. It’s just a relaxing night in the bar
There are no machines available to play on Thursday evening. It’s just a relaxing night in the bar
Ah I understand. What about the charity pins or other machines mentioned that may be outside of the main halls? No worries in any case, just curious as to what’s happening on the Thursday now, lol!
Ah I understand. What about the charity pins or other machines mentioned that may be outside of the main halls? No worries in any case, just curious as to what’s happening on the Thursday now, lol!

The charity machines are generally set up by Chris & Daz on the the Friday. It's best to assume that there will be no machines to play on Thursday but as Phil says it's a nice evening for a chat and a beer.
Booked. For both me and my son. And he said 2 of his friends from Exeter uni were also going to come to pinfest.

Took a while to work out that for the hotel booking you need to choose option 0 on the phone so you speak directly with hotel reception and not option 1 which puts you through to centralised booking service who don't have the special rate.
Another VIP ticket purchased today, and another friend joining us :)

That is now six of us confirmed so far, but hopefully I can get some more people to come to the event.
That's crazy! Thanks for checking, Peter.

So that means if it was previous years, the allocation would be sold out already.
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