Not me. I had an Addams when I first joined. Quickly regretted telling anyoneWho brags about owning pinball machines?
If you’re making up for something you’re supposed to buy fancy cars not arcade games.

Not me. I had an Addams when I first joined. Quickly regretted telling anyoneWho brags about owning pinball machines?
If you’re making up for something you’re supposed to buy fancy cars not arcade games.
I'm trying to be public spirited and prevent a newbie payingPeople like that are why the ignore button was introduced.
I know. I was saying, if I ignore him, he can carry on his tricks without me keeping aGot that, and you're doing a good job. Was referring to the flipper
that was after trying to help him find the pin but no more. BTW i dont need a fancy car I’ll stick with my super car thank you !