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Top 5 DMD machines for under £1500

Thanks guys, really appreciate your thoughts!

Currently whittling it down to ones he fancies.

We are at....

Jurassic Park
Demo Man
Terminator 2
Road Show ( is this really a sub £1500 pin?? )
Judge Dredd

Next question i guess is does anyone have any of these for sale :)

I have a HS2 which i'm sure I could be talked out of as i need to shift a few pins (been buying again recently)
Top 5 hmmm.
Nothing sega or data east then. For gameplay yes, but a top game requires build quality in my eyes.

Judge dredd
World cup soccer
Demolition man
The shadow

Should be able to pick each of those up in that price range. Probably only be able to get a Getaway in that price range on eBay though. :cuckoo:
Hi guys,
I am the friend in question. I just wanted to say thanks for all your input, It's much appreciated.
Bear in mind that any pin can get boring if it's the only one you have and you play it all the time. Assuming that this will be your friends only pin then I'd make the following comments on your revised list (these are just my thoughts and your mileage may vary):

HS2 - Not a huge amount of depth and you'll see all it has to offer pretty quickly but it's the kind of game where that matters less than others and is actually not a bad game to have on it's own.

JP - Lots of modes and decent ruleset with a wizard mode at the end so something to get your teeth into and should last a while. To me though, this is a game where once you've done all that you'll probably want something else (a bit the opposite of HS2 I guess)

Demo Man - Lots of multiballs so if that's what you're after then this is a good one but another with a reasonably shallow ruleset. It's a bit like HS2 in that even once you've seen everything you'll still want to play it but I think HS2 is the better of the 2 games.

T2 - Bit of a 1 shot game this and shallow rules again which I don't think it survives well as an only game. Great in a bigger collection but my advice would be to steer clear of this for your first.

Road Show - Loads of stuff to do and loads of modes so will last you a long time. Modes are linear so can get a bit boring playing the game in the same way each time but there's other stuff outside of modes to go for so not too bad. You get a lot for your money with one of these. The country music that plays during multiball is sh*t though.

Judge Dredd - Kind of similar to Road Show in that its got a lot of stuff going on with modes, multiball and other bits and pieces so another game where you get a lot for your money. I'd definitely say to try and have a go on one first (tbh this applies to all of them) as it can be a bit marmite.

Ron you seem to have owned a few machines in this bracket. What do you think the top 5 games are?
Ron you seem to have owned a few machines in this bracket. What do you think the top 5 games are?

I'd go with:
  • Fish Tales
  • Dirty Harry
  • Bram Stokers Dracula
  • World Cup Soccer
  • Indy 500
You should be able to find any one of those for £1500 although BSD and DH would be more at the rougher end of the condition range :thumbs:
I love BSD! thats definitely one I'm interested in if anyone has one they'd part with?
Thanks for everyone's suggestions, they made a tough decision a lot easier. Went with Roadshow from Chris B in the end. Great bloke pleasure to deal with, would recommend. The game is great too, already addicted.
Cant go wrong with that, great game and Chris is the man to buy pins from, well done on getting yourself sorted :thumbs:
Thanks for everyone's suggestions, they made a tough decision a lot easier. Went with Roadshow from Chris B in the end. Great bloke pleasure to deal with, would recommend. The game is great too, already addicted.
Great game. Have you discovered the 'hidden secret' target yet ?
Trying not look at any tutorials just yet. I'm enjoying discovering everything. Not found the secret target yet, intriguing...
Spoiler Alert

It's right between the lower flippers. Every time you hit it, it awards the bonus. ;-)
That is the Extra Ball target on Whitewater. Also known as the 'Collect Bonus' target. :)
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