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Tokio Perfect Drift Pinball Worldwide Presentation

  • Thread starter Thread starter bicton
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Hello mates,

Yesterday 8th of December in Arcade Vintage Association we had the great pleasure of host the presentation worldwide a new pinball machine. A trully day to remember I want to share with all of you.


Tokio Perfect Drift is a single level pinball with 4 flippers, very fast, with custom electronics and full rgb


This project is a collaboration of www.quetzalpinball.com and www.strpinball.com (assemblers of several pinballs Nemo) and we have been working very hard to show it today:

- Gustavo Díaz, aka (Lord Hiryu) did all the arts

- Orlando and Cristina from STR Pinball assembled the prototype and help with the prototype troubleshooting.

- Cristobal Ortuño, composed the electronic music.

- Antonio Ortuño, everything else

Orlando and Antonio

We are so happy to contribute to this fantastic project, and yes there are more life actually in pinball apart from Stern!


Antonio made it again, and we enjoyed all his company as well as the rest of the team involved like Orlando, Cristina and Gustavo. Amanzingly "believe it or not" this proyect only taked about 4 months to be real, you can imagine the great Knowledge and value of this guys and girls in this proyect.


Pinball has a lot of potential. The design of the board is amazing and the game is fast and varied.

He has left work ahead, but considering that what we have seen today has been the result of the work of 4 months (you could say that 3 because August almost does not count), as soon as they give the final push, there will be a great machine with great quality with a very good price to fully enjoy.



More info:


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Finally a new car themed pin! And the price is great!
If that price is close to retail price and you know what doesn't affect the euro, then that is one tasty pin for the cash.
Looks great guys and I really dig the theme. Big car guy here, especially Japanese.

Hope it does really well for you.

Maybe Mafia may get a relaunch with a lower price
That artwork is the nuts!

Absolutely love the look of this.

Congratulations and best wishes!
IPFA gameplay videos have gone up. I expect code is still early but my personal opinion is that more effort needs to go into the screen and the callouts as the game at this point really isn't communicating very much. Some sense of hierarchy with the flashing lights would help too. I can watch a whole game being played and not be at all sure what progress was actually made.

I agree mate. The game does look great but without the rule card to look at, it's hard to know what they are shooting for.
The call outs could be tricky to do. Ideally you would want a Japanese voice but could come off as cheesey and racist ?
Turns out the rules can be boiled down to an easy way to understand form. Each race is shoot the race target / complete DRIFT / shoot flashing arrows, the multiball is your standard light lock / lock three balls / shoot jackpots, and the semicircle of arrow inserts is lit by eight simple objectives around the playfield that can be done in any order. Even without more callouts or animations, the game can be made much simpler to follow by using lit and flashing inserts to distinguish between things you can hit in your own time, and things you need to complete before you can progress further.
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