Bear in mind gents you need 2 different boards to do a complete machine
1 for the GI approx £130
1 for the controlled lighting £150
Plus the leds another £100 +
The LED OCD is the main event, around £105 now for the revised board, or £95 if you order >10. Plus shipping and taxes though, unless alternative methods/routes can be found

GI OCD usage is questionable, and as @pinsinthewild rightly says, depends entirely on your level of affliction. I've put one in Congo because Congo uses lots of GI effects, plus I wanted to use LEDs in the GI and actually see those effects.
The Stern GIzmo is overkill, and i prefer TRON without it, but IM with it.
All boards are best with cheap, non-fancy LEDs. I use Comet's 2SMD-CT-FT, frosted in Sunlight or Warm white and about 55p each, plus the aforementioned shipping and tax b0llocks.
Nothing exists to reduce the retina-burning power and harsh ON/OFF nature of LED flashers at the moment.