Deleted member 2463
To clarify on the Thunderbirds artwork. ITV had NOTHING! Ziltch - we had it all drawn, every piece of it. The show is over 50 years old and anything that ITV had simply wasn't usable. We wanted "bright colours, cheery appearance and an overall family appeal". I think we achieved that. ITV had very strict guidelines on what they would, and would NOT accept. Neil doesn't like how it turned out, that's fine. I look forward to seeing his efforts when he makes a machine.
So you had artwork done that looks nothing like how the characters ever looked?! I think I’m more upset at ITV studios, clearly they had Stevie Wonder helping out the week the art was submitted.
Just one thing though - I’m not in the pinball making business - I’m in the pinball +buying+ business, in the olden days we called those folks “potential customers” and we took their feedback and did something with it so that those customers spent money and became “paying customers”.
Now we just say f**k you, if you don’t like it build your own game and we have “disappointed customers” (Rudi/Chris/Pete - I realise that disappointed is a big word for you guys as it has more than one syllable - if you call 1-800 GIVE2F**KS they will send someone round to with crayons to explain).
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