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THIS WEEK IN PINBALL: Iron Maiden Stream, MGC Preview, Deadpool Speculation, Trudeau, More

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Christ almighty, what the hell is up with the 'artwork' on that Olympic Goblin? My 5yr old could do better. Shocking.

- Jersey Jack Pinball Pirates of the Caribbean
- American Pinball Houdini Updates
- Stern Pinball Unlicensed Theme
- Pinball News Expo Coverage
- Other Expo News Roundup
- ColorDMD Pinball Displays Releases
- Multimorphic, Inc Redesigned Website
- Heighway Pinball Alien Shipping?
- More Pinball


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- More Details on Alice Cooper Nightmare Castle
- Homepin and Pinheck System
- New Ka-Pow Title Timeline
- First Heads-Up Pinball Championship
- Magic Girl Stream
- Proof that Aliens Exist
- Bowen Kerins is Awesome
- Code Drops - Stern Pinball Star Wars and Spooky's TNA
- Dutch Pinball Updates - Xytech, ARA, Early Achievers


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
Interesting! Wonder what the second title is?

Having played Circus, came away thinking it's more of a novelty game, and not one I would want to own. I am sure they will sell a limited number though.
If they would attach a ticket dispenser to it, they would probably be able to sell bucketloads of them.
- Guardians of the Galaxy Rumor Round-Up
- JJP Pirates of the Caribbean New Info
- Python's Pinball Circus Updates
- Circus Maximus Building New Machine
- Batman '66 Code Update
- Aliens Unboxing, More on the Way?
- Heads Up Pinball Championship Winner
- Vote: Jaws vs. Zombie Theme
- End of Post Bonus


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
If they would attach a ticket dispenser to it, they would probably be able to sell bucketloads of them.

The x-men in Kent amusements in Newcastle (Co Down) has a ticket dispenser on it and the software amended to dispense tickets for some shots and scores..

Usually gets me some chews and haribo for the drive home after a visit
The x-men in Kent amusements in Newcastle (Co Down) has a ticket dispenser on it and the software amended to dispense tickets for some shots and scores..

Usually gets me some chews and haribo for the drive home after a visit
It's a sound idea for casual play. For something like Pinball Circus it would be utterly ideal.
- Guardians of the Galaxy Reveal
- JJP Pirates of the Caribbean More Info
- John Trudeau Update
- Heighway Pinball's Timeline for Next Game
- Happy Birthday Pinball Profile
- Dutch Pinball Open
- The Big Lebowski Update
- Kickstarter for Pinball Coffee Table Book
- Dead Man's Hand Pinball Production
- October Giveaway Winner
- COMET PINBALL, November Giveaway Sponsor
- End of Post Bonus


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
- Guardians of the Galaxy Gameplay Coming
- Houdini Updates
- Major Pinball Announcement Coming from New York City
- The Big Lebowski - Good News, Bad News
- Stern of the Union and Star Wars Topper Update
- Another Batman ’66 Code Update
- Dutch Pinball Open
- Total Nuclear Annihilation Speaker Grills, Meltdown Mirrors
- Three Pinball Publications
- Victory Laps - End of Post Bonus


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
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- Guardians of the Galaxy New Details
- Dead Flip Stream Tonight - Details
- Willy Wonka and the Chocolate Factory by Jersey Jack?
- Alien Updates
- Details on Heighway's Next Games
- Stern Unlicensed Theme Updates
- NYC Pinball Championships
- The Big Lebowski Production Update
- Star Wars Accessories Updates
- Victory Laps - End of Post Bonus
- Upcoming Games and Rumors


Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
**EXCLUSIVE interview with deeproot Pinball:


"deeproot Pinball has been quietly making progress on their path and plan to become a major pinball manufacturing company. They have been in licensing talks for several major pinball titles. They are hoping to have their manufacturing facility finalized in the next 2-3 weeks."

Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/thisweekinpinball
Twitter: https://twitter.com/__twip__
Email: thisweekinpinball@gmail.com
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'It is hard to believe that we (who arguably have more capitalization then all the other pinball participants combined and having accomplished the impossible in other industries) would not be able to find a way to do something as easy as pinball.'

This is going to be fascinating to follow;)
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