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The "I just beat my high score" thread

my real name is Yevgeny ..... no i won't bother. Dan is my real name and i used to just use that for my initials, but a year or so ago i decided i wanted something unique, so i chose YPS as short for my dog Yoshi Poshi Sushi. Here she is:
Yoshi 2012.jpg

what's Geoff up to? i can see he's online so he's probably banning me or coming up with some fiendish reply
Well done Dan, that is a good score on that TAF as it can be brutal as the Electric chair feels 1cm smaller than any other I have played.
I am glad you are playing them and making a challenge for me when I finally get them home. :cool:
What home use settings do people typically use? Do you reward anything for the replay score as credits are essentially useless?

I've installed 3 ball and set replay and special to EB at the moment.
I generally have games set to 3-ball factory setting - not much challenge or reward getting through to Wizard modes & stuff if you've given yourself loads of extra balls through replays & specials.
I may change the odd little thing to make it a bit more fun - e.g. Ferengi time on STTNG to 20s rather than 12 - makes sod all difference to the score really, but makes that mode much more fun.

Same here, factory settings for everything, feels more authentic and less like cheating, makes it more satisfying when you get a good score.

Got my first LITZ last night! 660 million. Now just got to get to the billion....
Put this up on White Water yesterday. Machine is set up with factory settings, it does have a centre post but I have disable the kick back. My previous best was around 3 billion. Managed 2 Vacation Jackpots, and 3 maximum completions on the whirlpool, the whirlpool maxes out at 53 million a shot. Had one big 5x multiball and also a decent 5x bigfoot. Great machine


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Well played, that's a hell of a score on FT....haven't you only just got this pin? I've owned mine for years and yet to break 400m.
Beat my hi score on The Shadow yesterday with 1.8B, 4 balls default settings. Only the 2nd time I have reached the final battle. Beating the battlefield 3 times AND collecting the extra balls helped a lot ( I normally drain as soon as I hear " extra ball is lit " :mad:).
Nice score I've still not got to final battle..... Oh the shame

I'm sure that plenty here have got there many times but as far as I'm concerned it takes a bloody good game to get that far. I do have all my machines quite steep with outlanes quite open but not fully, also vicious slings so thats my excuse :>)
Just had a cracker of a game on STTNG, not sure if it's good by other peoples standards but I'm proper chuffed!

Could hardly break 50 million then this happened.

how come that says 1 instead of GC, is Dean's top score still on there then?

and Steve, that's a great STTNG score, i could never get close to that until i bought the outlane extenders - even Sir Steve of Richie said he likes those things and wishes he'd made the oulanes less grabby when i chatted to him at the Slam. i take it you got to the Final Frontier with all four artefacts?
213 million on Batman TDK - top of the leaderboard :cool: after one of those games that leaves you slightly out of breath.
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