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The best and most horrible backglass

WMS IJ has to be a contender for the worst 90s art.

The whole art package looks like a 15 year old drew it during the breaktime before his homework was due in. Mismatched eyes and the ridiculous Chinese Nazi on the play field. It’s one of those games where the more you look at it the more dreadful it starts to become. Weirdly at first glance it looks ok but then all you can see is the amateur stuff 🤣
IMHO the best pinball art came with the 70s/ early 80s SS titles.

Bally's Fathom is my favourite. 20231107_042152.jpg

Paragon and Strikes and Spares are right up there too.


These things are time capsules. The Paragon lady with blue eye shadow and Farrah Fawcett's "flip" hair. With Future Spa you got Bo Derek's braids from the movie 10.

Williams also did its most beautiful stuff at this time.


As did Gottlieb
Oh go on then we all knew it was coming....
The OG genesis translite is the best, any reproductions for Genesis are the worst 😂
We need a category for 'so bad it's actually good'... 🤣

Also known as 'what was the design team smoking?'...

Genesis big translite.jpeg

Other entrants in this category...

Laser Cue.jpeg

Whoa Nellie.jpeg\\

Alien Poker.jpeg

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^^^ Whoa Nellie trans is cool AF
Yeah, but that's the whole point of 'so bad it's good'. It's cool AF while also being totally f*****g out there.

The original Genesis translite is also cool AF. Somehow so totally out there that it goes beyond 'this is f*****g terrible' into 'the insanity feels like a design choice'.
Yeah, but that's the whole point of 'so bad it's good'. It's cool AF while also being totally f*****g out there.

The original Genesis translite is also cool AF. Somehow so totally out there that it goes beyond 'this is f*****g terrible' into 'the insanity feels like a design choice'.
Yeah, for sure…
In todays climate, wonder if we have seen the end of designers putting themselves out there.
Outstanding folks, thank you.

So much fun to work with there.

Some didn't specify whether their examples were good or bad so I'll have to leave that up to my interpretation. 😉
Re. 'What were the team smoking?', there's Williams Time Fantasy.

The Paragon backglass is widely accepted as featuring the games' artist Paul Faris and his wife, they'd also appeared on the earlier Lost World.

As for just horrible, the Bell Games copy of Eight Ball Deluxe, Pin Ball Pool, was really up (or rather down) there.

See the following reply by steve brum for the two extremes I've mentioned
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and here are 2 "beauties". the TF backglass and playfield went to an old friend in Canada. There was NO interest in the UK on this machine complete and part working above £200 at the time

pinball pool.jpgtime fantasy.jpg
Just posted a game for sale that some people think has one of the worst backglasses....I quite like it :rofl:
I had to check that Pin Ball Pool backglass was real. I have questions...

What happened to her neck? And the other ladies' clothes? And why is one of the unclothed ladies wearing a bearskin hat? And, while we're on the topic of animals, is that a thong she's wearing, or does she just have a mightily impressive beaver?

PinballPool 2.jpegPinball Pool.jpeg
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I think 70’s 80’s are my favourite era for artwork. You can tell they’ve had time spent on them, they’re often intricate and crisp.

This Gottlieb looks wicked:


Looking closer on PowerPlay, it’s sharp line work detail & mirror finish should be on all backglass..

Stern Stargazer also great:


This Williams, very metal.


Never seen one in person, but I think the ‘SU’ backglass from the supreme pinball would be my choice for worst.

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