My little boy dropped the adapter box that connects my beloved DMD clock to the power socket, and it cracked apart and wouldn't work again. I was inconsolable.
Our own wonderful
@Paul sent me a replacement one so now it's back in action. Thanks Paul, I owe you beers, you so totally rock, dude!
The vast majority of people on here are genuinely nice people who go out of their way to help others (with just the very occasional deluded person that sees others as commodities to be used, still thinks he's being bullied when confronted with the list of folks he's shafted. if you're wondering if I mean you, then yes, yes I do, and I've told you what you need to do to prevent the sh1tstorm of your own making that's gonna come down all around you very very soon if you don't). That is all [emoji2]
Thanks again Paul, much appreciated.