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Talking Pinball on BBC


Aug 22, 2019
Hi all,

In a bizarre turn of events I have been asked to appear on BBC Radio Suffolk tomorrow morning to chat pinball on the breakfast show with Wayne Bavin. Assuming there isn't any sudden national news that trumps me, I should be on somewhere between 7.30 and 8.00am and it'll be available online after too.

Will be talking the hobby in general, inaugural East Anglian league and Pinfest :) if you are able to tune in please do. Will try and mention as many venues and events as my little slot will allow!

(I'm as surprised as you are 😂 )
Thanks everyone, really pleased with how it went though I wish they'd asked 'How can new people get involved?' which had been prepped but didn't make it in. The BBC were happy for me to send them websites and details though so hopefully the information still makes it out there.

I've been asked to be on BBC Essex to do the same tomorrow morning, and there's something else in the works that might pan out this afternoon that could be really fun.

(Still as surprised as you are).

Looks like this is happening. BBC Look East 6.30pm tonight. No idea how much of what I said is going to make the cut but we chatted Pinfest, East Anglian League, pinball resurgence, the possibilty of Pinball at the Olymics and then I taught Laura a couple of rules on AIQ and she scored 7 million and we put her on our leaderboard. Hopefully wholesome stuff.


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Deleted - Nathan beat me to it in the post above by a minute!

Looking forward to it!
***MAMMBOOSHKA!!!*** :rofl:

Brilliant interview, you were awesome dude! Onwards and upwards.

Needed a replacement for TV's Will Barber and TV's Mark Squires, so this is your time now!
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