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Stranger Things Pinball - now with Video reveal

What the £&&@ is with the photo montage cab art and nasty old fashioned montage backglass? I hope that’s some sort of troll **** take As it’s nothing like the Netflix series art.

Where’s the 4 kids on a bike facing the end of the world sky translite?


@Sako-TRG they did employ an artist 😂 @myPinballs the art is being done by the guy who did the GOT LE translite and GOT dragon artwork, Chicago based artist local to Stern, there is a link to his site and work on pinside.

Licence requirements where that the art had to be done in the Netflix promotion artwork style.

Not sure about the amount of real estate taken up by that projector screen, but at least it looks refreshingly different!
Different is one way of describing it [emoji3]

I'm boarding ferry to France so only had quick look

EDIT - first thoughts ...Looks wise... a bit cheap and naff tbh. Not really caring for the screen thing.

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@Sako-TRG they did employ an artist 😂 @myPinballs the art is being done by the guy who did the GOT LE translite and GOT dragon artwork, Chicago based artist local to Stern, there is a link to his site and work on pinside.

Licence requirements where that the art had to be done in the Netflix promotion artwork style.

View attachment 98730View attachment 98731
@J85M good to know thanks for the info, didn’t know.... 👍, it looks like photos at a glance........ I still think he could have worked with better material from the series rather than use over size character portraits. One for the ladies - Billy on the side unit....I guess ok for your wife, or if he takes your fancy.... 😃
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@Sako-TRG they did employ an artist 😂 @myPinballs

Licence requirements where that the art had to be done in the Netflix promotion artwork style

The kids on a bike is a Netflix image!! It’s what was on Netflix as the series image when we all found it and no one had ever seen it. It’s what drew everyone in as it was a throwback to Spielberg 80s films..

Something really wrong has happened with that montage rubbish. Reminds me of the stern indy translite!!!

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The kids on a bike is a Netflix image!! It’s what was on Netflix as the series image when we all found it and no one had ever seen it. It’s what drew everyone in as it was a throwback to Spielberg 80s films..

Something really wrong has happened with that montage rubbish. Reminds me of the stern indy translite!!!

Yeah I know it’s an official Netflix image, but Netflix have moved to this arty drawn style with the promotional posters I attached above and that was what the licence/Netflix dictated, just going off the info I got pm’d and then saw posted publicly on pinside so shared it here.
Looks kinda cool and original I guess. Main concern will be how stripped down the pro might be. Also, I can't stand the call out for 'Kill the Demogorgon', it reminds me of the Jurassic Park call outs which are dreadful. I'd sooner they took samples from the show/movie. The art looks fine to me
Yeah I know it’s an official Netflix image, but Netflix have moved to this arty drawn style with the promotional posters I attached above and that was what the licence/Netflix dictated, just going off the info I got pm’d and then saw posted publicly on pinside so shared it here.

Smarts of dirty executives who haven’t got a clue. What a shame. Can’t be that much of a ‘new brand’ as the image above is off my tv this morning... 😂😂

Also the montage on the translite looks nothing like the promotional posters either. Jeeeez
Wonder how many lumens the projector pumps out.

Unless your playing in a cave surely it’s going to get washed out ?
Wonder how many lumens the projector pumps out.

Unless your playing in a cave surely it’s going to get washed out ?

I was thinking the same thing -!in the shed probably ok but in the house less so also can you imagine bulb life on location!!
I do like the fact they've tried something new. A cleland code update will sort the voices, an alternative translate will sort the artwork, a projector upgrade will sort the faint projection. Fingers crossed for awesome gameplay!!

And better QC and clearcoat obvs!!
Smarts of dirty executives who haven’t got a clue. What a shame. Can’t be that much of a ‘new brand’ as the image above is off my tv this morning... 😂😂

Also the montage on the translite looks nothing like the promotional posters either. Jeeeez

Oh I agree with you mate believe me, I’m not blown away by the artwork at all, in fact I’m pretty disappointed as it was the one aspect I felt Stern couldn’t **** up if they where working from the 3 arty season posters, but yet they have kinda made a disappointing mess of the art. :tut:
I do like the fact they've tried something new. A cleland code update will sort the voices, an alternative translate will sort the artwork, a projector upgrade will sort the faint projection. Fingers crossed for awesome gameplay!!

And better QC and clearcoat obvs!!

At this rate they might as well sell us an IKEA model we can build ourselves with the list of things we might need to change/upgrade with this one :rofl:
At this rate they might as well sell us an IKEA model we can build ourselves with the list of things we might need to change/upgrade with this one :rofl:

Yep i totally agree, hate the fact you have to change this, change that, update this just to get something that is half decent. what a cluster ****
Not a fan of the drive in movie theatre scene either, it’s cool it drops and turns into a ramp but the two white panels left up either side look odd, also the ramp animations are just generic arrows at least from the teaser, was hoping for more on the ramps.

Definitely interested to see the pro on this one with art on the ramps and art in place of the white panels.
Assuming they are using plastic ramps with white PVC type material underneath and sides for the projector footage...
I’m guessing the reason for plastic ramps is transparency, to see playfield underneath and for this to work...
Are plastic ramps quite robust..... in general?
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Are they using plastic ramps with white PVC underneath for the projector footage?

They are definitely plastic ramps, you can see them clearly in the video reveal, the entire left ramp is shown throughout the teaser. No idea what the white under the beginning portions of the ramps, I’m interested to see the pro without the projector and hopefully with art in these areas instead.

Let’s just hope Stern don’t end up being too greedy and take the magnet lock out the pro.
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LOL all this negativity of the back of a leaked video - be patient folks let’s see the whole show and play it!

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They are definitely plastic ramps, you can see them clearly in the video reveal, the entire left ramp is shown throughout the teaser. No idea what the white under the beginning portions of the ramps, I’m interested to see the pro without the projector and hopefully with art in these areas instead.

Let’s just hope Stern don’t end up being too greedy and take the magnet lock out the pro.

Are you sure that isn’t the pro?

It’s not the LE...

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Your gonna be changing your balls every few weeks. They are going to be magnatised on that lock in no time.

Not sure on the projector... You can forget pinstadium lights on this game ! :)

Think I would still prefer AFM, main reason (like R&M) the theme does not appeal to me.

But let's wait until it lands properly - then play it.

YOU HAVE LESS THAN A MONTH TO WAIT (if Stern brings it over for EAG show).
I like the look of it (from what I can see).

Looks like they are trying new things, which should be applauded!
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