Started to get annoyed about MMr again last night. Looked at their forum and there's still zero information for buyers. There is **** all way I will ever buy from PPS again the future. I can live with the delays, it's the utter distain they have shown to customers by not updating them as to progress which ****s me off.
Seriously never again. I'd consider a NIB from Stern but the rest of them can **** right off. If Phil has a machine in stock then great, maybe that is a contender (or if it's from Stern and I know it'll be there within a few weeks then fine)
JJP, Dutch Pinball, Skit-B, PPS - sorry but my wallet is staying put in future. Would have been interested in Rob Zombie but no way am I getting on the roller coaster again
To clarify I've got no problem with Phil/PH he's caught in these monumental **** ups. To the manufacturers you can all go **** yourselves in future. For me it's not the money, it's the way they treat their customers. Much as I love pinball these guys deserve to go bust. If you can't keep your core customer base happy then they won't keep on buying. It doesn't matter how good your product is, it actually needs to exist. Anyone care for a bet as to who will get the Hobbits when they finally start to be made. Will it be the poor suckers who have paid 3 years ago or new people who come along with new cash?
I'm not in on the machine anymore but there's no way I'll forget about the delays
Clearly I'm not a morning person

(Might have to eat humble pie if Phil rings me on Monday to say MMr is here
