when I did my first broadcast I tried to do things differently even though I had 4 months from deal signed to first programme! It didn't really work. Mostly because the viewers had got use to a format that was hard to move away from, In fact it was impossible.
But I took every bit of feedback and spent a lot of time reflecting on it and figuring out what was worth doing different for real value and would bring viewers and what wasn't worth doing different because you were just trying to be different and every now and again I smile at the Emmy I have.
Neil, please allow me to be blunt and I hope that I don't sound discourteous.
Your Emmy sounds wonderful but I'm not trying to create an award winning show here. I'm merely trying to chart my journey as I discover pinball and grow into the hobby. If people want to watch that's great but primarily it was about archiving games and stories whilst learning as much as I can. Most importantly it's about having fun. I really love pinball machines and I'm excited every time I see one. I can't begin to explain how excited I was for Craig to come over, to pop over to your fantastic tournament and Pinfest was the highlight of my year. I'm just trying to have a good time and I love making videos as anyone who knows me will testify.
Without wishing to start a p1$$ing contest, making videos is what I do. I'm happy to concede that it's not a patch on the giant that is BT but I did 7 million views last year on YouTube alone. I may not know as much as you but I know a little bit and enough that I've made it my job during difficult circumstances and the loss of my plumbing company. I have all the gear and a little bit of an idea so whilst I was filming stuff for my day job I thought I'd do a bit of pinball on the side.
I would probably take your critique a little more seriously if you didn't say something negative after almost every video. I can't be bothered trawling back through the archives but in short you ain't got a lot of positive things to say about the videos. That in itself is not particularly conducive to the general upbeat and excited nature of the channel which is really about having a laugh.
I'm happy to take new ideas on board and suggestions for videos but ultimately I'll make videos that I enjoy. Your comments about '
taking every bit of feedback and spending a lot of time reflecting on it and figuring out what's worth doing' just ain't for me mate. I have to produce two videos a day to pay the bills so I want the pinball videos to be fun and a distraction.
I think you summed it up before the last podcast when you said "I wonder if Gerry has anything new to say?". That was the nail on the head really because there's nothing new for you here. You already know everything and everyone but I don't so just let me crack on if you don't mind.
I'm really enjoying doing these videos, they may not be award winning but it's my hobby and nobody likes to constantly be told that what they do is ****.