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Stern Indiana Jones Code Rewrite & Port Over Progress

Official v0.7.1 Update notes

v0.7.1 Update

- Fixed a bug that could cause Choose Wisely to end immediately (when started immediately after a non timed mode)
- Fixed a bug that could cause random completion of unplayed modes after choose wisely ended immediately
- Fixed a bug with Choose wisely where you could repeatedly choose your selection resulting in overlayed graphics and speech calls
- Added trough test
- Fixed a possible crash bug with Castle Brunwald where the mode count flag was not resetting properly after a game
- Added support for raspberry pi computer hardware (model 3b+ only)
- Added new desktop support for raspberry pi computers (model 3b+ only)
- Fixed a bug that caused the score on warehouse raid to add 1 point extra than it should, making the general score and match display look odd
- Fixed a typo with Ringmaster mode startup help text
- Improved Minecart mode and barrier interaction of all turns
- Improved Minecart mode and barrier frame sync speed after half way point
- Fixed a bug in Minecart where a barrier could be stuck on after the mode was run once
- Fixed a bug with the ball search where it could be enabled during long bonus calcs and possibly mess up the trough logic
- Improved Mode Start map graphics so that modes start from the correct location on the map instead of always being South America
- Improved mode start map so that completed modes are hilighted with a solid green dot instead of always flashing red

now onto v0.7.2
Progress on a new crystal skull mode

Enter the temple/return the skull. This is where they have to remove the stone faces to move the obelisque and gain access to the temple holding the aliens.

Here are early graphics i'm making.

Screenshot 2018-07-29 22.44.30.png

You have to remove 5 stone faces to complete the mode. I'm thinking the mode will work as follows. To remove a face stone, you shoot the ramp which opens the temple scoop then shoot in there to collect. Then repeat.
More progress with new modes. Adding a 'Nuke Test' mode as suggested by Dave. Here are some screenshots of graphics i've created. The premise is that the mode starts and you have 3 arrows lit on the rhs. They are worth 5,10 & 15million, depending on what you shoot. Further out the higher the points but the harder the shot. After you shoot one, you are awarded the appropriate amount, then 3 arrows on the lhs light for the same thing. After that the temple scoop opens for you to hide in the fridge before the detonation. If you make it 20million awaits, if you fail BOOM, you failed! Screen shows a big red countdown timer :)

Screenshot 2018-07-31 16.54.27.pngScreenshot 2018-07-31 17.20.00.pngScreenshot 2018-07-31 17.42.15.pngScreenshot 2018-07-31 17.42.02.png

So the 4 kindom modes are now

1) Warehouse Raid
2) Nuke Test
3) Return The Skull
4) Jones vs Aliens (Ringmaster as secret alternative)
Screen shot of the return the skull mode in action, now i've created all the graphics for it. I've added some sand draining out graphics to as you progress through the mode, as per the film scene.

Screenshot 2018-08-01 20.42.30.png
Made some small tweaks to the map locations and adding the 2 new mode positions. The skull return location and jones vs aliens is actually in the amazon, not peru as first thought! Peru is where the spanish treasure hunters were buried with it. Watched the 4th film again today!

Screenshot 2018-08-04 18.55.20.png
If you hold down the tournament button whilst cradling the ball the game will crash.

I was looking for secret stuff.
If you hold down the tournament button whilst cradling the ball the game will crash.

I was looking for secret stuff.

That particular code iirc is for pausing the game, in the same way you can with Twilight Zone 9.4H rom. Using the right flipper. I guess there's an issue from when i ported it over from my williams version, probably a device name or typo.

I also guess you were playing it at Darrens. Did you enjoy the playing the update? There are a few secret modes in there, as well as the regular indy stuff.
Yes, played it at Darrens. To be honest i think it was playing better before the upate, couple of times it couldn't find the balls for reasons unknown.

Sometimes the switches to the ark don't seem to register even though you have hit them. Couldn't find any secret modes though just in case it crashed anything again.
Well, the game pause functionality is now fixed.. Whilst i was fixing this i added a screen graphic and some simple lamp effects to it, that weren't in the original williams indy redesign. You press the tournament button whilst holding the ball on the right flipper and the game will automatically hold the ball on the flipper for you whilst you go get a beer!

Screenshot 2018-08-09 21.24.24.png
Time for a decal update! Inspired by @replicas idea to upgrade the text around the playfield. I've made a replacement graphic for the rear panel. Now the text will match what the lamp is doing with my upgrade!

Screenshot 2018-08-29 18.45.47.png
Another bug squashed. (From pinfest log data). This time a possible issue with the hand of fate award selection. Possible crash, but random depending on the award chosen. Now fixed. Will be included in the v0.8.0 update coming soon.
Happy Free Black Friday Weekend or something! A special update for you all coming shortly this holiday weekend. v0.80 including the 2 new 4th film modes i've been working on and a new super jackpot lit screen

See here for the upcoming release notes

v0.8.0 Update

- Added new mode for 4th film section - Nuke Test
- Added new mode for 4th film section - Return The Skull
- Re-ordered the 4th film modes to accommodate the new modes and keep the order closer tot he film running order.
- Ringmaster mode is now secret option/alternative when starting Jones vs Aliens
- Fixed the lampshow files to accommodate the new mode order and naming
- Update the main config files to accommodate the new mode names, lamps mainly
- Added a new super jackpot is lit graphic screen
- Fixed some jackpot scoring display bugs
- Added more colour to the jackpot screen display score effects
- Improved monkey brains intelligence with handling the temple and lock ready scenarios when mode ends
- Fixed a nasty crash bug that was present in the mystery award logic. Rare but got called occasionally
- Fixed a crash bug when the games pause logic was implemented (from the tournament button). An old reference to the wms indy plane flashers was still in place, which do not exist in this game.
- Updated ball search logic to understand when the game is paused and not start cycling coils

Also, here is sneak peak on the super jackpot lit screen

Screenshot 2018-11-24 15.49.42.png
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Hooray! I was wondering if you'd had any time with indy lately :clap::clap:

Did you get anywhere with the multiball ready decal?
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Happy holidays pinheads :)

v0.8.0 now available on the software downloads area. Update notes below.

v0.8.0 Update

- Added new mode for 4th film section - Nuke Test
- Added new mode for 4th film section - Return The Skull
- Re-ordered the 4th film modes to accommodate the new modes and keep the order closer tot he film running order.
- Ringmaster mode is now secret option/alternative when starting Jones vs Aliens
- Fixed the lampshow files to accommodate the new mode order and naming
- Update the main config files to accommodate the new mode names, lamps mainly
- Added a new super jackpot is lit graphic screen
- Fixed some jackpot scoring display bugs
- Added more colour to the jackpot screen display score effects
- Improved monkey brains intelligence with handling the temple and lock ready scenarios when mode ends
- Fixed a nasty crash bug that was present in the mystery award logic. Rare but got called occasionally
- Fixed a crash bug when the games pause logic was implemented (from the tournament button). An old reference to the wms indy plane flashers was still in place, which do not exist in this game.
- Updated ball search logic to understand when the game is paused and not start cycling coils
Just realised i didnt update my site and this page to the latest rules sheet after the new crystal skull modes were completed and the information on how to play the modes was written.

Here is the new updated rules sheet - v1.03


Quick update on something new hardware wise i am looking into. Full RGB Led 128 x 32 dot matrix panels for use with my rewrite. The same panels that are used in colour dmd products.

If this works out well then there will be an option to use this with CCC updates to


I will be at pinfest friday and saturday wearing my mypinballs electronics t-shirts and hanging around the home-brew area mostly!!

Stop by and say hello if you want to chat about anything electronics wise, software game rewrite wise, indy, rfm etc etc Be good to see you :)

and also if you are collecting some parts from me :)
Working on creating an abs plastic mount frame for the panels and controller board, so i have a nice easy drop in solution to games

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