Ok, had a look at the schematics and think I've worked out what the "buffer" is.
On page D-103 of the current manual is the WOZ Single GI RGB LED Board 15-0019-00, Revision 1.3 which is the part you showed a photo of. This is a simple RGB LED driver which can be daisy-chained together:
View attachment 37692
Next is the manual is WOZ Single GI RGB LED Board 15-0019-00, Revision 1.4:
View attachment 37695
The core functionality remains the same but there are improvements and additions. First up the power supply section is more complex and also generates an additional 5.1V supply. Then there are some new capacitors on the data input lines next to J101. Interference suppression? And then finally there is the new buffer section containing a 74AHCT125, which is a QUAD BUS BUFFER. This chip is commonly used with Raspbery Pi projects to convert the Pi's 3.3V GPIO logic to 5V logic. Basically it's improving the output of U100 before it gets passed on to the next device in the daisy chain.
From you photo it looks as though they've added this as a daughter board add-on to a Revision 1.3 board.
One thing I have read whilst reading up about this is the Allegro A6821 3-Channel Constant Current LED Driver is now discontinued...
I think your right, but I think the individual part costs are such a small part of the pricing, I don't think that makes much difference. But it is still a change that is going to have taken some effort to implement. As for a re-hash I do see some similarities, but again I don't think re using some ideas makes much difference to the costs.But LCDs cost less than DMDs these days and Batman is just a re-hash of an existing game.
GB premium $7595 and LE $8795. B66 premium $8599 and LE $9999.
Yes, but it's a trick! There is no 'Pro' Batman. But in real life the Premium is the Pro. The LE is the premium and the Super LE is the LE. It's total ******** so not really fair to compare to previous titles. If you actually compare like for like with this reasoning you see a huge, unjustified price increase.
i think the pins will sell especially if they are good - and the higher prices means they have to be good and well made!
I am pinning my hopes on heighway pinball really taking off with their next few games. I have been impressed with FT and I think they will be the future for more reasonably priced new games.
Any competition to stern can only be a good thing
Inspired by you. Wish I had the foresight when I created my account to be pat mustard..10 bonus points to you for the Pat Mustard avatar.
LOL. Who wouldn't want to be the Legend that is Pat Mustard.Inspired by you. Wish I had the foresight when I created my account to be pat mustard..
The guy who's job it was to design the original WoZ lamp boards made a complete cock up of it, lied on his resume about his abilities and was promptly fired and replaced with someone vastly more competent. So I'd be very surprised if the revised ones had any problems.