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Run-Dmd Clocks

I'm making jumbo ones of these 1m wide - will have the first prototype in a couple of weeks. not sure if I'm going to make them available as yet but will let you know.

Not sure yet; and not sure I will sell them as I don't think I can be ****d if there any problems - once I have the proto done I'll update

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Just set the clock time - there's no GMT/BST option :D

So - press one of the end buttons - if you get a "power off" symbol then push it again to turn back on as it's the wrong end. then press the other end.

Cycle through using the middle buttons until we get to "Set Clock", Enter, and press the same one as you pressed above to select (Tip - the boxes at the bottom align with the buttons on the board left=left etc)

Put new time in, and enter. once saved then Exit out... And that should be it :)
Speaking of which, i was tidying up last week, and may have enough for 1 or 2 extras. 1 Definitely available - The second will need to order a Board from the Run-dmd guys, so lead time on the second would be 2-3 weeks.

Anyone interested??
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