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Roll (with) It

Jay Walker

10 Years
Apr 19, 2013
Swansea, U.K.
In the thread about favourite moments, windoesnot mentions rolling Bally Kiss, i.e. exceeding the display capacity (in this case 999,990). Which is more than I ever managed on it.

But some games around then were easier, if not notorious, for being 'rollable'.
  • With Stern, it was Ali, funnily enough their last 6-digit game, with (to a lesser extent) Meteor.
  • I only recall playing Bally's Mystic once, but managed to roll it, to be told it was quite common to do so.
But what others are there? My experience suggests Firepower for Williams and Haunted House for Gottlieb, though in that case the machine had the kicking targets not kicking, making play in general, and particularly the sequence for lighting extra ball less dangerous. And I recall almost managing to roll Bally Star Trek, dull old thing that it seems now. And that one may have had a broken capacitor on a spot target, the ball had to really crunch into it to register a hit.

Only Bally seemed to consider this at the design stage, by programming the game to make the High Score award as the score rolls over. On the later games (using '-35' or later revision of utility Rom U6) anyway.
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Robocop is pretty easy to roll if you get the jackpot during multiball and ED209 bonus, I've set ours to hardest settings since regularly achieving this as the game hold's no record post 9,999,990
Viking can be easy to roll depending how it's set up. It's a common game to put 7digit displays in.
My current high score is over 2million which is nuts considering it originally had 6 digits. Did people roll these games often back in the day? I wouldn't say I'm that good a player 😄
I think the qualification 'back in the day' is important - Ali I can vouch for, getting the Highest Score was a matter of tilting it at the right moment. Letting it roll over would gain you nothing, as Stern hadn't programmed it to make the H/S award for doing so, and as I recall the replay awards didn't work a second time around. I saw one of the two I'd owned at an event around 2014/5, and seeing it looking left alone while others played the alpha-numeric and dot matrix games also present, gave it a go, managing to roll it twice in one game, as per your experience with Viking.
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Paragon, if you get a good first ball and build up your super bonus, then its pretty easy to get bonus multipliers.
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