A great day at the bash, a huge thanks to Greg for hosting and putting everything on and to Keith being on standby for any machine malfunctions. Congratulations to Josh for the win, just a consistent performance all day which will always get the job done. Honourable mentions to Jack for a huge score on GZ, something around 2 billion plus I think. Also to the original "old duffer" himself. Keef was on around 38 million on Bond after 2 balls with, in his own words "My chips are done" a fantastic ball 3 to finish on over half a billion and storm into the final. The following downsides to the day must be mentioned though:
1) Eduardos trophy being sabotaged resulting in a somewhat limbless robot pile of bricks for his photo
2) Greg not updating to the latest code on JP, which has been out for god knows how long. Hence no Nedry ball save on the right outlane. @ccyberkryten was asked for his comments he could utter nothing more than "AH, AH, AH AH, AH, AH.