Since I installed Winzip on my iPad, a nice little quirk has happened. Sometimes when I click on a file type that the iPad doesn't normally like, I now get a prompt to open the file type in a related app.Yes Speccy tape is a nice app but the wos database integration isn't working currently and iOS volume outputs seems a little low on loads
Replaced the capacitors in my Spectrum and removed the obsolete TV modulator and the picture is still wavy.
A couple more things to try yet.
I have a few scrap Spectrums that I can try the ULAs from.Most likely sync issues. Is the ULA a known good one? Also for reference, depending on what output you are using Analogue, Composite Video, RGB you will get varying degrees of picture improvement. This is why using the highest quality option available on my design was a must - RGB SCART.
Wow, that looks fantastic.
I'd definitely be interested in one of these when they're available to buy.![]()
Wow pretty cool stuff!
Like others, I was a C64 man (er boy back then) and mates had a speccy. Remember all those games! Horace, Manic, Jet Pac, fond memories. One mate had a 'Dragon 32' - remember those? Commando was cool and I can remember the theme tune now. Ha Ha, I feel old.
Even tho amstrads graphics and games were no different than c64 hardly anyone had amstrad. We wanted an amiga but got the amstrad [emoji53]. And to make things worse it was the cpc 464 with the green monitor lol
Who was your school mate then BigIan? Come on, here's your chance to regale us with tales of the famous people you knew (well, famour to nerds like us).
Who was your school mate then BigIan? Come on, here's your chance to regale us with tales of the famous people you knew (well, famour to nerds like us).
Amstrad and Speccy weren't actually that dissimilar as both were based on the Z80 chipset. We had both the speccy and the C64 and although the C64 lacked the higher resolution graphics of the spectrum it did have hardware sprites and scrolling and the audio chip was just superb.
I still prefer the Speccy though, although that's more likely because it was the first computer we had and the one we spent most time playing.
Disagree strongly ...the C64 handled graphics way better than the Amstrad. The Amstrad struggled with scrolling and couldn't handle too many colours at same time iirc, the sound was inferior and the 64 had a load more classic games that never made the Amstrad.
The playground arguments that never die![]()
What sort of ballpark price are you thinking of for this @myPinballs?
Can u not put hdmi on your version?
I was addicted to the dizzy games on my old amstrad think I had them all
In a word No. There is no benefit from changing from RGB scart. The resolution of the ZX spectrum's video output is fixed by the hardware design of the custom chip sinclair created right at the start. In fact it is this design that enabled the whole computer to be produced for the low cost and get it into so many homes and programmers at a time when other machines sold for 1000's
I have a few scrap Spectrums that I can try the ULAs from.
There are a couple of transistors just below where the TV modulator was that could also be to blame apparently.
100uf 25vWhat cap you got on your composite?
Is this for just the board or do you get the case thing to?
I might have to find one I'm quite tempted. I'll have to try and find u at the expo