VR rocks, just wish i had more time to play! Highly recommend playing. D start off on non racing games, something gentle and take regular breaks.
Oculus Quest is the way to go for VR gaming for the masses. Game changer
Meant it’s a game changer already- being Cable free and wireless
My friends, family and I have had some the best gaming experiences of recent years on the Quest so would hardly call it limited in the fun factor dept. Which is the most important bit after all. There are loads of developers out there making sick games (and££££) for the Quest so maybe worth a rethink?
I dont know what software you are creating @Rob zombie so just thinking aloud here - but UE4 supports quest now I believe (and several others). Is it worth looking at that ?
I don't expect there is anything specific you need to do - but as of 4.22 UE4 supports the Quest - so anything that's supporting VR should "Just work"
(But i guess you know this already).
If the controllers can be read via direct input there is a plugin that supports that.(Its probably not been updated for a while - but its there)
Are you using C++ or blueprints - blueprints are useful - but performance isnt great
Ah - ok fair enough. You might get a bit of a boost enabling Blueprint Nativization when you cook if you haven't already. Not sure how well it works these days. Its just a checkbox so cant hurt to try it. Any "free" perf is helpful
There's also a profiler tool - which will show you where where time is spent. Its pretty simply to use and will likely point you and some hotspots. It all helps.
Ill shut up now