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Wanted Prusa I3 MK3S


Site Supporter
Oct 6, 2021
I missed out on a couple of these recently on ebay, One sold for £258, and another for £265. Someone even got a billy bargain for £127 last month.

Looking to pay around £200-£250.

Wow - those have dropped like a stone! 6 months ago they were commanding £350+!

Might be an idea to look at a Bambu lab A1 unless you have the prusa specifically in mind.
I was very pro Prusa, and then @Wayne J told me about the Bambu stuff. I ended up with the X1 Carbon.. awesome piece of kit!
Just been checking out the A1 looks good and is currently £289 new. Seriously considering that now, thanks.
Bambu printers are definitely, currently, best value for money in regards to speed and quality.
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