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Wanted Protective dust cover for standard Bally Williams 90s machine

If anyone wants a single hood (like in the photo above, but with a clear plastic front window so you can see the translite inside) which will fit a standard BW or DE game I have one going for the price of postage and a £5 donation to charity. PM me if interested...
I received my cover today and the news is not particularly good.
- Lightweight material and no fastenings - will slip off the table if someone in a nearby room happens to exhale carelessly
- Doesn't reach to back of cabinet, leaving about 20cm of the side decals exposed
- Backbox cover - hmm, well it's designed to cover something, but that something is not a Bally Williams 90s backbox - doesn't fit properly at the top and leaves almost all of the side decals exposed





Best get cancelling my order, also looks extremely cheap material, not at all as described on eBay.
Does anyone who has previously made one of these have any plans at all they would be willing to share?? I may well look at getting some prices to get some made - the demand seems there....
The demand is 100% there, my friends Nan is an excellent seamstress and I will be speaking with her now to get this done as an ad-hoc.
Yes - the material is extremely light weight. The person who designed this cover and set it on a pinball table would HAVE to have seen that it would just slide off without some sort of fastening at the rear and MUST have just thought "ahh f**k it, it'll do f**king rightly". That's the sort of person who pushes my buttons!

i have made a set of templates from brown paper. so far this is for the cabinet only. they are dead easy to make both the templates and the actual cover. 4 pieces. 2 sides a top and a front.

i can post measurements and plans if people want?

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The seller apologised and offered to refund half of the money. I politely refused and requested a complete refund, offering to return the "product" at their cost.
Most disappointing.

They’ve now asked me to supply measurements! Pointed out that the dimensions of the tables are in the public domain and supplied them a link. And told them I assumed they knew the dimensions of their own “product”. Getting a bit fed up now tbh.

They’ve now asked me to supply measurements! Pointed out that the dimensions of the tables are in the public domain and supplied them a link. And told them I assumed they knew the dimensions of their own “product”. Getting a bit fed up now tbh.


Like I offered to supply them with...

Thanks for your mail.
We need to ask technical person for this problem, , could you please wait for 1 or 2 days? We will give you an answer by then. Is it OK?
Any question, please contact us, we will try our best to solve it.
Have a nice day.

Maybe ask them to refer to their ‘technical person’ seeing as they cant be bothered to ask for help when offered...

..neg, open case for refund, move on :(

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They have now offered a full refund as long as I don't give -ve feedback (which I rarely resort to anyway). Here's my response...



Hi there,

Thanks you very much - a full refund will of course be fine and I will leave positive feedback in that case.

Also - there are quite a number of pinball players who I am in contact with and who want multiple covers - so the market is there. I will offer to help you with advice and measurements if you want o get a properly fitting cover made for a standard 90s machine. Additionally, for other sizes of machines, I can put you in contact with owners who can provide measurements.
A few observations:
- The material is just a bit too lightweight - it needs to be heavier in order to stay in place and provide better protection.
- The bottom section is a reasonable fit, but has a significant area of non-coverage at the back of each side which could cause decals to fade in the sun and needs to extend about a foot further back
- additionally the bottom section should have velcro fasteners to the backbox cover in order to prevent the bottom section sliding forward.
- The backbox cover is too small and needs to be resized based on the dimensions of a standard 90s backbox.
- Additionally - some machines have "toppers" on top of the backbox, so an enlarged version of the cover would be a valuable option

Kind regards,

And once you get the refund then Still Neg them... they rely on good feedback and if not negged they will continue to pedal their wares that arent suitable for purchase....
And once you get the refund then Still Neg them... they rely on good feedback and if not negged they will continue to pedal their wares that arent suitable for purchase....

@Paul - I now think you are totally right - as they completely ignored the above offer for help to "get it right" in their latest response.
I did receive my refund though, so I will be true to my word.


To any of you who bought a cover from this seller on eBay.

I received a full refund a few days ago.

However, this morning I received the following "eBay Survey" which is actually a Phishing attempt. PLEASE don't be fooled!

I've reported the Phishing email to eBay and donated some Negative feedback to the seller.

How sorry am I that I started this topic!!!


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Just got this message from the seller...

Really sorry to disturb you. The item has be return back to us, we double checked it now, it has be damaged during transportation.

The rest item from our store is a new batch from the supplier. After testing them, we found they are the defective ones. We contacted the supplier, but they told us that they don't have this item available now. And certainly we can't send the defective one to you, so would you mind refunding your money?

Really sorry for the inconvenience caused,hope you can forgive us. Looking forward to your reply.If we didn't get your reply after 1 day, we will arrange to refund you to protect your interest,hope you can understand.

If you have any other questions,please feel free to contact us.

Best regards.

What a load of BS. I'll take the refund.
I'd also be interested in a dust cover, not so much for the dust, but to keep sunlight off the machine.

I really don't like sewing so hopefully it wont come to having to make my own :-)
I'd also be interested in a dust cover, not so much for the dust, but to keep sunlight off the machine.

I really don't like sewing so hopefully it wont come to having to make my own :)
The sunlight is my main concern as well. At the moment my machine is covered with a bedsheet.
The sunlight is my main concern as well. At the moment my machine is covered with a bedsheet.

Yeah I'll have to do that when the weather cools down and I can open the curtains again. Although I already have a duvet stuffed down the side to stop the noise from going through to next door, it's going to look like I'm sleeping on it :-)
I'd also be interested in a dust cover, not so much for the dust, but to keep sunlight off the machine.

I really don't like sewing so hopefully it wont come to having to make my own :-)

i got my lovely girlfriend to sew mine[emoji106][emoji106][emoji106][emoji23][emoji23][emoji23]

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