After seeing these posts I feel I have to reply to tell the other side of this story. I do agree this is a pinball site and a problem / disagreement between 2 people should not really be mentioned or discussed in this forum however James has been making allegations etc about me and I think it only right to redress the balance and tell the WHOLE STORY
James has been very "cute" in taking edited quotes from our conversations and seems to have forgotten the fact he kicked off the insults by calling me a C-nt , an "Idiot Seller a f-cking tosser also that I was the "Laughing stock of the forum" and the runner up in the "King of Ebay 2019" and that my restorations were like me "f-cking ****" . I stress I had not insulted him in any way at this point! I just wanted to BUY his machine for the full asking price. Just how many of you would put up with language like that out of the blue and unprovoked?? This is the whole story not just the edited highlights.....
I saw James Advert on eBay for £1500. It said "offers" so I offered £1200. This was rejected and I subsequently offered the full amount he was now advertising it for £1350, in cash and asked to collect it over the Bank Holiday Weekend. He then claimed he was working for Namco all weekend and "would get back to me" He never did despite me sending him several messages and texts. When I mentioned to him that he seemed to be working long hours I was abruptly told... "Its none of you business" which I though was a little odd and not the way I would treat a customer. The following day, after me sending another message, he told me the machine had been sold for the full eBay asking price of £1500. I thought this strange as a mate of mine had only just asked him if the machine was still for sale and was told it was!
I then contacted James again asking him why he lied and received another torrent of abuse and insults and was told that my mate Paul was "my bitch" and other derogatory and effeminate remarks. Apparently James had called Paul, (an "old school hetrosexual"), "Darling" which really upset him. I then went on to tell James not to hide behind a Keyboard. At this point I decided to play this person at his own game and yes I have taunted him but only AFTER receiving the treatment I have.
I have been accused of being "Homophobic". Nothing could be further from the truth as you will discover later in this reply. In the literal sense of the word Homophobic means "a fear of Homosexuality" which as I said, could not be further from the truth I do not fear the LGBT at all!. I have worked in Broadcast Television for 40 Years about 40% of the staff are from the LGBT community indeed the best men at both of my heterosexual my weddings were openly gay and my son is Gay and married to his husband I gave him away!. I am straight and it does not bother me one jot. What does bother me is a person like James who is trying to lie, manipulate and twist a situation in an open Forum that should be reserved for Pinball related subjects. I am Happy for James to call the Police. They will see that it was him that started the insults by saying the various things he has. All I wanted to do was to buy a machine from him for cash and drive away Yea he has the absolute right to sell his property to whoever he wishes 1) Why Lie? 2) Why mess me around? 3) Why the Insults that I stress HE started?
I doubt this post will be allowed and Will probably remove it. (I can send a full copy of the conversation to anyone at Admin if needed) I agree this is a pinball forum site and not the pinball equivalent of the Jeremy Kyle Show but I have had to try to put the other side across so you guys know BOTH sides of the story
Thank You!