Rudi, I have been in this hobby for longer than I care to mention and have never bought a NIB machine. That is until now , I treated myself to a Predator as it's a Grail title for me.Just amazes me how you lot allways but nib where as I for example struggle like fook. Wasn't really a personal question I just don't understand how. I must be doing something very wrong lol
I bought and sold machines to build my collection, I was lucky that the machines I was buying were readily available and a fraction of the cost of what they are in today's market. Lucky that when I started collecting operators were selling off machines for a steel. Those days a just a happy memory and will never be repeated which is a shame.
All I used to do way back when I was buying machines was to save, save and save some more as well as any extra work I did went straight into the pinball fund.
Anyway Rudi, the better machines are the older ones and a lot cheaper than the new stuff.
I envy you in a few ways , mainly that you are only just finding out about some titles like getting LITZ for the first time and experiencing stuff like a Midnight Madness feature.
There is loads of great stuff awaiting for you in the pinball world. Enjoy the thing money can't buy.
There are people who don't even have a machine and wish they were you so stop feeling blue and get LITZ it rocks.