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Pinball Streaming

I'm thinking of setting up a Facebook page for people to share links to streaming - for tournaments and for general home streaming. Just wanted to check if there was anything out there already before I do? My thinking is that often I know there are tournaments going on and think someone must be streaming it, but I find it so hard or sometimes impossible to find a link. This would hopefully solve that but also give people all over the world more exposure to their streaming channels.
sounds like a good idea. Lots of stream related posting on tiltforums and there is a thread on pinside with a long list of streamers.
On that subject I'll be streaming CFTBL on Wednesday from 8pm

Would you mind if I used you for the first link?

I've set up the page, I think I now need to do a mass promote to get the audience and then get people to start posting links ASAP so it doesn't dry up. Facebook pages can be a pain because in order to appear in people's newsfeeds, they have to show an interest in the page (by liking, clicking links etc) but if it doesn't appear in the first place then they won't see them to interact anyway!

Going to post as a new thread on here and on Pinside too shortly.
Streaming now at flipout twitch.tv/neilmcrae/

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The veteran Blakemore in the final 4 against Engelbeen and Englert! Live on JDL pinball...

I did really badly this morning in the strikes tournament, too jaded from yesterday. Recovered enough this afternoon to qualify in the small pin golf tournament and went on to win it...! 🥳
Am International flavoured final, UK, German, Polish and Dutch players. It went to a tie break just to keep the excitement going...!

Streaming our EA league meet today as well as a little target matchplay comp in the evening
Appreciate the follows :)

Today we're streaming our 9th Pinhaus comp from 10am. Finals early evening. Hopefully the quality is watchable. Will have commentary where possible although the quality of that can vary 😆

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