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Pinball Office Friday Night Max Matchplay

This is now available to book on the website -

If you go to Book Now and then Next Availability under the calendar, it will automatically jump you to the July date.
Just a reminder about this - it's less than 2 weeks away! We only have 8 people booked:

Nick London
Lee London
Martin Bedford
Nathan Garwood
Phil Stokes
Ben Leigh
Martin Fox
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Current player list:
Nick London
Lee London
Martin Bedford
Nathan Garwood
Phil Stokes
Martin Fox
Will Beynon
David Bowery

Thanks everyone who joined us on Friday night - I had a great time and enjoyed the smaller gathering. :)

We had 16 players on the night and played 15 head to head games - everyone played everyone once. Players included 12 year old Christopher who is staying with family on holiday in the UK, and Lee, Nick's brother - great to see some new faces :)

3 players were tied for 4th place, so we had a single game play off on a randomly chosen game (Metallica).

Results of the play off:
1st Jon Carolan - 70 million
2nd David Bowery - 9 million
3rd Martin Bedford - 3.9 million

Matchplay link for qualifying: https://app.matchplay.events/tournaments/145089/standings

The finals were held as a 3 game final for top 4 players, with either game or position chosen by Nathan (as highest seed). Nathan picked Black Knight and Spiderman, and Phil chose the final game (Twilight Zone) as Nathan chose position. Nathan managed to keep his cool despite the late hour and the pressure and win all three games in the final, leaving me, Jon and Phil fighting for position as we went into Twilight Zone on 2 points each! It eventually all came down to the last ball (all 3 of us had pretty shocking games on it with around 7 mil each going into ball 3 lol). Well done Nathan @NateG119 !

Jon has also very kindly paid for trophies for the top 3, so I will be ordering those today. :)

Matchplay link for finals: https://app.matchplay.events/tournaments/150468

Final standings (submitted to the IFPA):
1st. Nathan "the Real Deal" Garwood
2nd. Phil "The Detective" Stokes
3rd. Claire "Last Ball" Lickman
4th. Jon "Jmac" Carolan
5th David "the Train" Bowery
6th. Martin "Laser Eyes" Bedford
7th. Tim Knowles
9th. Marc Gatward, Will Beynon, Ian Clarke
11th. Christopher Heskett, Nick Clark UK
13th. Jeremy Baynham
14th. Lee London
15th. Martin Fox
16th. Nick London

It was quite a late finish for the finals so thanks all for coming - hopefully see you all at the next one!
It was a lot of fun, despite me playing terribly! 🤣 Thanks for organising this, I'll be there for the next Friday night too :)
Looking to go to this, get some 1 vs 1 practice in - always good fun max matchplay :)

Anyone else fancy it?
Currently booked -
Conrad Chambers
Jon Carolan
Martin Fox
Ian Claricoats
Martin Bedford
Nick London
Glen Cockell
Phil Stokes
Emily Stokes
Yuen Aw

Plus me and David of course :)
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Unfortunately something's come up and I won't be able to make it now on Friday, so don't wait around for me thinking I might show up :)
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