Today I put my two pins into our local library together with a display showing the history of pinball. They will be there for just over a month and the interest shown already has been fantastic. Before they were even plugged in a crowd had gathered and were taking photos etc.
The library staff have organised afternoon and evening events for people to play them even including an over 65's session which is over subscribed, plus another linked to the local schools for youngsters to play.
I must admit it is great to see the interest they have generated and you never know, I might even get some to put their iPads down and play the real thing!
If you are interested, the pins are a Bally Game Show and a Data East Batman. Not the greatest pins but its all about having fun.
The library staff have organised afternoon and evening events for people to play them even including an over 65's session which is over subscribed, plus another linked to the local schools for youngsters to play.
I must admit it is great to see the interest they have generated and you never know, I might even get some to put their iPads down and play the real thing!
If you are interested, the pins are a Bally Game Show and a Data East Batman. Not the greatest pins but its all about having fun.