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Pinball in Minehead!

29th jan to the 1st of Feb some of the lads from oop north are heading for Butlins Minehead for the weekend. Maybe we can meet up at the arcade Saturday or Sunday noon?
@Fintan Stack
David Dutton
Mark Robinson
and anyone else in the vicinity.

@Marcus Kravis
Sounds like a good idea - at the moment it probably clashes with a 'lads' (or at our ages 'middle aged gentlemen') weekend away, but I'll aim to make it if I can!
Ok guys 2016 is here and this weekend fast approaching.
I would like to propose a meeting of pinball info members and friends on sat 30th Jan from 1pm onwards.

Whose up for that?
This place used to be one of my regular haunts when I was younger as it was just a few miles from where I grew up. Fond memories of playing Star Wars and Buggy Boy over and over, nice to all these pins I'll have to pop in when I'm up that way visiting my folks.
Have a great time!! Thanks for the earlier invite to meet up - unfortunately 99% certain I won't be able to go as due to be away myself for weekend but should be a great selection of machines!:):thumbs:
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