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Pinball creative


Site Supporter
10 Years
Jul 21, 2011
new cross
Anyone know a bloke trading as pinball creative? Article on bbc news about their storage place in Croydon being gutted in a fire

Croydon self-storage warehouse destroyed in blaze http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-england-london-46728455

Not a name that I was familiar with. Seemed to be selling ems at 10k plus. Still got to be gutting for him though to lose them all this way.
I was just about to post this! I hate to hear of pins, new or old, gone forever in blaze.
He was mentioned a couple of weeks back on the eBay auction thread. He does high end restoration of EM.
Sounds like an insurance job by the self storage company.
That's a real tragedy, both for Giacomo personally and for the pinball world, there were some seriously good games there - probably some of the best in the world - now gone for ever.

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I'm devastated for him, what a lovely fella who did a lovely top end job, he says its the end for him but i dont want it to be, i know how passionate he was about his restorations and how good he was.

poor chap, what a loss. Phil, does he know about the flipoutclub? Maybe we could invite him down for a meet and a friendly chat with fellow pinball people. I hope something good may possibly come out of it.
Sounds like an insurance job by the self storage company.

Honestly you never know I’ve been to plenty of fires where your gut is saying “dodgy” and it turns out to be accidental and vice versa.

The F.I’s in London are sh*t hot (no pun intended) though so they will work that out once it’s been damped down and they are allowed to investigate.

Either way I hope everyone is covered in one way or another through some form of insurance, sh*t way to start the new year.
its very sad indeed but there are plenty of pinball machines to be restored, when something like this is your passion you can't just wish it away... once he's been through the stages of grief...

I've never been sure of those storage companies, suspect some idiot put something in the place they shouldn't have done.
Sad news indeed. I go past this on the way to FlipOut every Thursday. The whole building had now been flattened. What a waste.
Devastating !

A very sad loss I cannot imagine how heartbroken Giacomo is.

I know everyone does a lot for charity but feel that as a community we should help one of our own.
Can we have a donation site and maybe run some events in support.
Devastating !

A very sad loss I cannot imagine how heartbroken Giacomo is.

I know everyone does a lot for charity but feel that as a community we should help one of our own.
Can we have a donation site and maybe run some events in support.

Good idea, I think we should do this if we can and show our support for Giacomo.
Surely he is covered by insurance?!

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Very sad. :(

There have been a number of fires in recent times at communal self-storage units. It strikes me as a constant threat if Joe Public are allowed to store pretty much anything they want in their unit. I presume there must be some T&Cs that people are expected to adhere to, but unless everything is scrutinised I don't know you'd stop someone storing flammable material, batteries, or even fuel there. And any fire is pretty much guaranteed to be uncontrollable because of all the material.
There are T&Cs to what you can and can't store but yes, I'm sure things would sneak past if the customer tried hard enough.

The internal units are usually separated only by sheet metal and yes, usually high fire load from congested packed furniture and other combustible items often over two or more communicating levels. Yet another reason why the UK should be adopting the US approach of more automatic sprinkler systems in these type of places. Very sad to hear of the pinball loss....

Sounds like an insurance job by the self storage company.

What makes you think that?
Surely he is covered by insurance?!

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Pretty sure customers need to arrange insurance for their items themselves as almost impossible for the self-storage insurers to assess/calculate accumulative value in storage and clarify what was actually in there at time of a loss. Would be completely open to abuse too.

Hopefully, Giacomo had something in place....
Pretty sure customers need to arrange insurance for their items themselves as almost impossible for the self-storage insurers to assess/calculate accumulative value in storage and clarify what was actually in there at time of a loss. Would be completely open to abuse too.

Hopefully, Giacomo had something in place....

The storage companies I've used always offered insurance (and always said that an insurance policy was mandatory). I recall I gave them a value of the goods and paid a certain amount per £1k.

I ended up arranging my own insurance through a 3rd party that specialised in storage insurance.

There was an update to this story on the BBC news
Ok, interesting to know.... He mentions half of stock lost and very sad to read that update, but considering killing yourself afterwards as one of three options.... really? Must of had no insurance then.
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