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Pinball Cabinet Decals

keith b smith

Site Supporter
Aug 31, 2017
Hi just after opinions on 2x Decals suppliers Pinball P.T and Pinball Decals EU anyone used these companies , i would like to know how good a quality their decals are and which one would you buy from (i know a lot of people would say buy second gen from Australia but they dont make the ones i need)

I got the eu corvette decals and they were awful. Not fit for purpose. Dull colours, pixelated and zoomed in compared to the original.

Got the Aussie ones in the end. Much better. I guess it depends on the machine. I had fishtales ones about ten years ago from eu and they were ok.
Pinball Decals EU is very hit and miss. All depends on the artwork.

Some are OK, others are awful. Track record on decals arriving heavily crumpled (poor packaging IMO).

Mr. Pinball stuff is good but if you just use Aerosol Paint for the black border (or primer) it will likely lift straight over with any wet application. The glue is VERY strong.
Thank you Scott ,i can only get Popeye decals from either Pinball EU or Pinball PT the aussie ones are not available (supply&demand i suppose and not much demand) i have found a guy on this site that did up a popeye last year and i see he used Pinball decals EU. The thread is titled Popeye Shipwreck, the decals look nice but not glossy a sort of satin/matt finish. .
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