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Pinball Arcade for iphone/ipad

Well done Calimori, they seem to be well on there way to getting the funds thanks to everyones great support. This will be the first virtual table that I own in the real world so really hoping it takes off
They are not doing badly but it has slowed down a bit, less that $20,000 to go.

I am sure people have seen but the kickstarter project has now been set to include ST:TNG as the machine they will use any extra money for, they have hit the target to make TZ already. It initially looked like they would make it to this higher second target but due to a little bad management of the way the kickstarter web site works, it is not as clear as it could be that if you sponsor TZ and they make the new double target that you will qualify for ST:TNG as well.

Based on this, and the fact I a sucker and want ST:TNG I have doubled my bid to $50. The problem is, if everyone waits until the last minute, it might not make it because everyone would be worried the extra money won't get them anything. There is another way to do it, create two accounts and bid twice, then you give double the money but if they don't hit the second target you would get two copies of TZ, which for some is not a bad thing.
The macbook version has just been updated

They've finally added some more tables to buy (BOP, MM, FH and CV) but even better they've updated the graphics so it looks like the 360/PS3 version rather than just the iOS port as well as adding some GPU options (post processing, detail level and something called immediate mode :confused:). They also seem to have sorted the performance issues but I think this is more to do with moving to an optimised mac version rather than just using the iOS code.
Love playing creature, not got hang of magna saves on bk yet. Apparently taxi next and a stern table tbc.

Loving the app.
I've got this running on my tablet (Touchpad), spent £1.87 on MM, and I love this app

Fingers crossed they add controller support, so I can wire the xbox pad in
Anyone know if they are making a change t update all tables at once rather than piddle around updating individually?
New table out (ST:TNG) and new front end

Table is great and means I can eventually play it as I haven't got around to fixing my real table :hand:

Not sure about the front end I think I prefered the older one but was thinking it would probably have to change as they add more tables.
Still no button to update all my tables. Plus the TZ bought via the Kickstarter get lost when I installed but hopefully will stay when I restore my App store purchased products. Oh well, tables are cheaper on this that eBay. ;)
That reminds me, I downloaded this for my first galaxy note 2, it lasted 29 days before it stopped charging. Not got round to re downloading it .
I noticed the Williams classic collection became available on xbox360 recently so I purchased it. It's really good although seems to play marginally slower than pc version. Still a good buy though for 13 really good tables. It doesn't look like the actual pinball arcade is available yet unless I somehow missed it.
Pinball Arcade was released on XBox Arcade, but they had some issues with their publisher going bust or something, so they never updated beyond the four release tables

I heard that they've found a new publisher now, so updates should be due soon. @Carl Spiby may know more than me.
All the current tables are due to be released on Xbox within the next 3 months.
That's great news thanks guys. I heard that the pinball arcade was coming in April, and then I saw the Williams tables collection so just put 2 and 2 together. I would much prefer all 3 seasons to be available on xbox at some point.
Great app, although having played it since it came out for iPad I recently tried the PC version and MUCH prefer it. You can play with physical buttons (either a game pad or the X-Arcade even lets you use buttons on the side ala real pinball), the graphics are much sharper and smoother, and you can even turn your widescreen monitor 90 degrees for no scrolling! It's about as close to a virtual cabinet as you can get without paying for one. :)

There's a list of upcoming tables, as well as a thread for develop comments on which tables are/aren't likely to happen, here.
Great app, although having played it since it came out for iPad I recently tried the PC version and MUCH prefer it. You can play with physical buttons (either a game pad or the X-Arcade even lets you use buttons on the side ala real pinball), the graphics are much sharper and smoother, and you can even turn your widescreen monitor 90 degrees for no scrolling! It's about as close to a virtual cabinet as you can get without paying for one. :)

There's a list of upcoming tables, as well as a thread for develop comments on which tables are/aren't likely to happen, here.
Yeah I have it for pc and iPad and prefer the pc version. Perhaps there should be a thread for everyone to post their steam usernames so we can compare scores with other forum members?

Thanks for posting about the x arcade stick as I was wandering if you could re map the buttons.... Obviously from your post you can.
Thanks Paul G. I see you all have some pretty monster scores there!!!

This spreadsheet is good but it must take a lot for Paul D to update all of the scores. I was thinking of perhaps doing a thread where people post their steam names and then leaderboards would be created automatically on the friends tab. It would just be a case of everyone accepting the friend requests. It's not perfect but could be interesting. Do you think it's worth doing?
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