That's great news thanks guys. I heard that the pinball arcade was coming in April, and then I saw the Williams tables collection so just put 2 and 2 together. I would much prefer all 3 seasons to be available on xbox at some point.All the current tables are due to be released on Xbox within the next 3 months.
Yeah I have it for pc and iPad and prefer the pc version. Perhaps there should be a thread for everyone to post their steam usernames so we can compare scores with other forum members?Great app, although having played it since it came out for iPad I recently tried the PC version and MUCH prefer it. You can play with physical buttons (either a game pad or the X-Arcade even lets you use buttons on the side ala real pinball), the graphics are much sharper and smoother, and you can even turn your widescreen monitor 90 degrees for no scrolling! It's about as close to a virtual cabinet as you can get without paying for one.
There's a list of upcoming tables, as well as a thread for develop comments on which tables are/aren't likely to happen, here.
Perhaps there should be a thread for everyone to post their steam usernames so we can compare scores with other forum members?