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Operation Transporter - A Pinball Road Trip

Nice one Chris - although you're clearly a mentalist!! Funny thing though, I actually thought you'd gone all that way for a Rescue 911 pinball until I saw your pictures of the machine. Thought you were fecking nuts...[emoji6]
Spent a bit of time over the weekend cleaning the cab and re-furbing the legs so that it could be setup in the lounge without looking too grim and also so I can play it and figure out what I'm going to need to look at when I start shopping it out :) The outside has cleaned up really well so I've got high hopes for the rest of it. Mechanically everything works and the only major things I've spotted so far are that the player 3/4 display is dead and some of the GI in the backbox is out (there's a burnt connector that needs replacing so hopefully that will sort it). I'm hoping the display can be fixed but worst case I'll have to buy some new Xpin ones. Once Space Station is done, this will be the next shop log :thumbs:









You're an inspiration Chris, looking forward to the shop videos, I've been hooked since your Aerobatics first one.

What's all that black crap in the top right corner, looks like a load of black strips of tape on a big multiplug?
If I was on the laptop, I'd be posting a gif of some tumbleweeds. Probably also something inappropriate.
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It's a spaceship :D This pic off IPDB shows it better....


You light locks by knocking down the drop targets (bit like Rollergames) and then shoot the ball up the ramp on the left. Locked balls are held in the spaceship (two of them) until you hit the transporter shot to start multiball. The balls are then fed past the upper flipper and you try and shoot them across the bridge ramp into the bowl. The more spins the higher the transporter bonus goes :thumbs: Jackpot is achieved by knocking down the drop targets again but this time in order so you spell "Rescue".
Have you seen the owners thread on Pinside ? They are discussing getting new ramps made.

I have indeed mate :thumbs: Apparently the latest is that the tooling is missing parts so PPS would need a minimum 100 piece pre-order to make it worthwhile so I suspect it's not going to happen. Thankfully my ramp is really good other than having yellowed like they all do :)
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