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Thanks Ian - you ran the comp very well and Colin and I had a greAt and fun time.
Thanks also to the two Claire’s and Sharon for the food and John for the greAt hosting - I have such a sore head now but still wearing my Witch costume
Congratulations to @windoesnot for a great comp. The formats and events that are at people's homes are my favourites, because usually they feel much more relaxed, social and people don't tend to leave as soon as the comp ends. It had the same vibe Claire and I try to have at our Flip Frenzies so a huge win in my book , just a lot more room than down South
Thanks so much to John and his family for their hospitality and great selection of games, so many I'd never seen before let alone played.
Everyone was so friendly, it was worth the absolutely awful drive up the day before. We left Sudbury at 0815, stopped by at Birmingham for @Genotime, leaving there at 1330 and getting to our destination at 1830
Looking forward to the next one
Shame on @Genotime knocking me out last second and @Asiapinball letting the mighty Gareth Arnold beat him to secure my position in 9th
Cheers all for the comments and coming on Saturday, was a great turnout that ran late into the evening... think I turned in at 2.00 am in quite a state, For future...., I.... must.... stay.... off.... the.... shots @ailsaclunie@Wizcat
Was good to see new faces and hope it was worth the long journeys made. Glad all made it home safe, cheers.