Another great expo with both ups and downs.
The highlight was definitely the mousin' around. Mintier than snorting a crushed up extra strong, flippers set up perfectly and a sys11 game I'd never played back in the day. One to add to the 'when' list.
My main gripe was flippers. I got in early and found that the first 3 games I played on were suffering from a bad case of 'operator flipper'. Maybe I was unlucky but as the day went one I started making a mental map of games that were worth playing, which turned out to be almost all of the tables. Obviously as time went on more tables were in need of a rest, but that's pinball.
Therefore, I hereby start the SOF (save our flippers) crusade and will offer help/time to anyone who asks.
It was nice to see the another
BK2K with early production plastics. Does anyone know who owns that? It was fulled LED and he had removed the factory mylar too. Would be good to know that ROM revision you are on and any info on how the mylar removal went.
See you all next year. I've organized my mate's van already