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NLP disease warning!


Site Supporter
10 Years
Oct 21, 2013
my 10 year old son (trainee doctor) did a swab of the lockbar and plunger on the ghostbusters from the show. Look at what has grown in two days from the non washers!

Hope you lot cleaned your games!!

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Urgh, minging.... Mine get wiped down top to bottom after every show. No lerg this year is a bonus !
I'm currently lurgy free. I did have alcohol gel and wipes at my stall though which I used on a regular basis.
ugghhh minging!

I was joking with Tim during the weekend about him having to deep clean his machine because of 'dick fingers'

I was washing my hands frequently! lol

This culture requires a further detailed lab analysis by Palmer Jr. :thumbs: Give it a couple of days and it should be ready for the gruesome fact.
We all know that it may take the colour out of the cabinet decals adjacent to the flipper buttons.
Care should be taken when using some Alcohol wipes that they can do the same.
Wiped my CSI down with industrial anti-bacterial wipes when it came home.
Gone are the days where i knew folk that would snort the insides of that dish and ask for more. *sighs*
'dick fingers'
My biggest pet peev. Men taking a slash and then walking straight out the bogs without washing their hands. Bleurgh! :mad: I've no shame and called people out for this in the middle of a busy public lavvy. Disgusting.
That's why I always push the doors open with my foot or shoulder on my way in and pull the handle with my sleeve or paper towel on the way out, or wait for someone to come in and use my foot again. Grrrr.....:sad:
My biggest pet peev. Men taking a slash and then walking straight out the bogs without washing their hands. Bleurgh! :mad: I've no shame and called people out for this in the middle of a busy public lavvy. Disgusting. That's why I always push the doors open with my foot or shoulder on my way in and pull the handle with my sleeve or paper towel on the way out, or wait for someone to come in and use my foot again. Grrrr.....:sad:
that's just not logical though Peter, every morning i have a shower and then my cleaned cock goes in my newly cleaned underwear. when i take it out to pee, it's my hands that are dirty, not my cock. and i don't pee on my hands so why the need to wash them in a filthy sink and often no way to dry them? no, i wanna get out of there as soon as i can. it's different after a crap of course, but you don't need to be fearful that your genitals are so disgusting that you must scrub away any memory of touching them.
once you start opening doors with towels or sleeves, you're on your way to the crazy farm.
My biggest pet peev. Men taking a slash and then walking straight out the bogs without washing their hands. Bleurgh! :mad: I've no shame and called people out for this in the middle of a busy public lavvy. Disgusting.
That's why I always push the doors open with my foot or shoulder on my way in and pull the handle with my sleeve or paper towel on the way out, or wait for someone to come in and use my foot again. Grrrr.....:sad:

hahaha! I totally do the same, use my feet/shoulder to open the door or wait for someone to come in before going out the bog! :D

@cooldan I'm really pleased that your cock and pants are kept scrupulously clean on a daily basis :p At least I can walk out after you knowing the door handle is only covered in clean cock particulates.

It's all the other skanky mofos I'm worried about. Those that don't cock wash daily with Hibiscrub (the soap surgeons use in hospital before operations). Those that walk out unwashed after having a crap. Those that lean with one hand on the wall above the urinals.

I'm not OCD. I'm just sensible. I caught a nasty virus 6 years ago that put me in hospital for a month with Meningoencephalitis (that's meningitis and encephalitis - swelling and inflammation of the brain and the membrane that covers the brain and spinal chord). Whilst the morphine was very nice the pumped intravenous anti-viral treatment, head-splitting pain, hallucinations both visual and auditory, and total distortion of my personality and perception of reality were not. They were never able to identify the exact virus or where it might have come from and took me a year to recovery fully after being signed off work for 3 months. I now just like to take basic precautions and wish that everyone else ****ing and ****ting all over the walls, floor and toilet seats would do the same. :D
woah, meningoencephalitis is pretty serious dude, lucky you're young and strong or that coulda finished you off. how do they know it was viral, if they never managed to culture the pathogen?
Those so called dirty hands would have been all over the buttons of all the machines as well. I'm all for taking basic precautions but if you never expose yourself (ooh err) to these things your body will never build up immunities to them.
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that's just not logical though Peter, every morning i have a shower and then my cleaned cock goes in my newly cleaned underwear. when i take it out to pee, it's my hands that are dirty, not my cock. and i don't pee on my hands so why the need to wash them in a filthy sink and often no way to dry them? no, i wanna get out of there as soon as i can. it's different after a crap of course, but you don't need to be fearful that your genitals are so disgusting that you must scrub away any memory of touching them.
once you start opening doors with towels or sleeves, you're on your way to the crazy farm.

Fresh urine is virtually germ free. Flipper buttons are not. Always remember to cleanse and **** on your hands after playing at an expo.

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woah, meningoencephalitis is pretty serious dude, lucky you're young and strong or that coulda finished you off. how do they know it was viral, if they never managed to culture the pathogen?
From Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Meningoencephalitis#Prognosis:

The disease is associated with high rates of mortality and severe morbidity.

I had several lumber punctures from which they detected it was viral. And they ruled out bacterial infection. They just couldn't identity the specific strain. And the anti-viral drugs worked, but boy were they sh*t. 3 infusions a day and each time they had to relocate the cannula because the meds caused severe phlebitis (irritation and inflammation of the vein) so badly it felt like I was on fire. They stuck my arms, legs and feet in around 80 different locations. Ouch o_O

All better now though, so I can't grumble. Way, way, way better than being dead.

Fresh urine is virtually germ free.
Urine isn't sterile. Urban legend from misinformation from the 1950s.
At expo there are those hand cleaning things

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