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Nice statistical story on Pinball News - games used in tournaments by manufacturer

If I have to self-isolate and remain stuck at home for any length of time, I'll put something together from the UK League games used. I suspect we will see a much higher proportion of EM games and Prems, as basically we travel to peoples collection for league meets, rather than machines having to be transported.
Maybe in the midlands but less so in our region.


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So I managed to find a few minutes to look at all of the machines which were used in the 2019 season - 254 in total - and have created these charts.

First, the year in which games were manufactured


Next up is the number of machines by display - this also gives a rough idea of age of machines.
I would go as far to say that nay machines which do not have a DMD or LCD screen could now be regarded as classics.

Finally machines by manufacturer
Stern is the big hitter here, having an even larger share of the games than in the US (40.6% compared to 31%) with most of the share being 'stolen' from Bally games.

As for most popular games,
Games Used.JPG
Iron Maiden being the most popular machine on both sides of the pond. With The Addams Family, Metallica, Ghost Busters, Star Trek being the other machines popular with both.

The fact that WW, JP & BK:SoR feature so highly in the US and not at all in the UK, points towards the lag in us getting our games.

As there is a much smaller data set, with some people hosting twice , thus duplicating some machines, does skew the figures a little, plus the fact that the majority of meetings are held in peoples houses rather than on site locations must also surely have an influence.
also we lag on newer games because the league really only takes place at the start of the year.
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