Well worth considering; Pinball Arcade was most of my experience and I've just got my first.Hi All,
Never really had a massive interest in pinball. I'd have a few goes here and there at arcades but cabinets and video games were my main focus.
Last year my dad picked up a No Good Gofers and i've really gotten into Pinball a lot more. Helping repair parts of his machine has give me an appreciation for them and learning how to actually play pinball propperly has hooked me a little bit.
I've not really played a lot of pins ... well I have but not propperly/ before i knew how to play. ( Played most when I was in poland Krakow Pinball Museum Great little place if you havent been)
I keep thinking about picking one up and putting it in my garage but not sure yet, would like to try some more to see which I enjoy. Unfortunatley i'm not aware of that many places that have Pins in the Northwest other than Bury.
Welcome to this great group