Deleted member 2463
Just posting this here in response to Andrew's mention of Pinballinfo on Pinball news.... (also posted on Pinside)...
The man really is a total fool.
Just posting this here in response to Andrew's mention of Pinballinfo on Pinball news.... (also posted on Pinside)...
Get in on the tshirts etc and downvote now!
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Make sure you are signed in, then just press on the down vote at the top of the post.How do you downvote, I am struggling and thanks Neil for verifying me on pinside.
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Make sure you are signed in, then just press on the down vote at the top of the post.
I was chatting to a friend of mine about this situation (was talking about the fact there was new pinball makers of varied success); he seems to think Heighway may have a case to answer under modern slavery legislation...
I love statements like "There is ZERO evidence to say that ANY of these companies were liquidated." Check the way it's written... He could have also written: "There is ZERO evidence to say that ANY of these companies were not liquidated''...
"Dave Sanders, for his own reasons, chose to work for the company on a ‘voluntary’ basis." This statement would be sufficient to indict him in France... No pro bono work allowed for a private company!
Unfortunately the huge amount written about Heighway on here and on Pinside seems invisible to the rest of the world. If you Google Andrew Heighway you don't see it. The first thing you see is that hydrofoil article banging on about Heighway's successful pinball company.
If someone started a post called “insert search term here” it would get more visibility in search engines. You could then link to various posts discussing the company within the posts... #justsaying
Edit: Not suggesting anyone does this ^, but that’s how you make posts more visible.
The guy just seems deluded blaming the failure of his company on a community of people. There was loads of hype and anticipation on this forum around Alien; the majority wishing well, with a few willing to gamble their own cash to place deposits that ultimately prolonged the life of the company.
Compared to the scorn I’ve seen on people supposedly over-pricing their pinball machines on Pinside, and as I’ve said before, the behaviour on here is exemplary.
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I supplied good as late as march to heighway pinball address but was asked to invoice pinball brothers. Whilst this was pro forma so I was paid would this be evidence of transferring assets?