OMG! it's Dean! ...welcome back m8.Holy **** balls! What an absolute cluster ****.
Not at all dodgy. All seems legit.
OMG! it's Dean! ...welcome back m8.Holy **** balls! What an absolute cluster ****.
Not at all dodgy. All seems legit.
Holy **** balls! What an absolute cluster ****.
Not at all dodgy. All seems legit.
Holy **** balls! What an absolute cluster ****.
Not at all dodgy. All seems legit.
Dave - my advice put this behind you and move on - easy to say but if you linger in the pit of despair that is the HP saga then no good will come out of it.
I was moderated on pinside for asking pinball news to ask Andrew if he was freinds with Donald Trump ?
This was weird as my second request was that they let Neil Mcrae on the podcast, which was far more inflammatory
...and there's another reason right there why this is going to be difficult to move on from.
There's not going to be a bus big enough for everyone he's going to try and throw under it. But if the word 'aspergers' comes up, and is used as an excuse for any difficulties or disagreements, then I guarantee this won't end well. And by 'well' I mean 'not even more appallingly worse'.
@Eala Dubh Sidhe - Have you been to citizens advice?
Yes, some time before Andrew left. They got me onto ACAS, but ACAS couldn't do anything since having no earnings, I hadn't paid any National Insurance contributions so there was nothing 'official' they could work with. The only thing they could advise me to do was blow the whistle via BBC News. :/
Yes, some time before Andrew left. They got me onto ACAS, but ACAS couldn't do anything since having no earnings, I hadn't paid any National Insurance contributions so there was nothing 'official' they could work with. The only thing they could advise me to do was blow the whistle via BBC News. :/
I think you need to just draw a line under this and focus on moving onwards and upwards. Nobody is blaming you in any way as far as I can tell.
WTF?? Are you saying he didn't pay you a salary at all??
You're not seeing the point. Altogether I've been diddled to the tune of a six-figure sum based on what I was promised to come on board at the very start and help get his show on the road, and like **** am I going to let that slide if, as I expect him to, he uses my Aspergers as a justification, explaining it as he's tried to in the past as a form of 'therapy' by giving me a 'hobby'. He did that with the HMRC the moment they started getting on his case, and immediately got me on the phone to pressure me into backing him up, because 'we' - not himself, he always said 'we' - would get into serious trouble. And NOBODY up and moves to a company being set up in another part of the country for the sake of a 'hobby'.
In this case 'not ending well' means 'forcing me to reveal where the bodies are buried'.