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My RFM Super Mod - Development

Love that you've used an Arduino Nano for this project :p Very clever. I bought my son an Arduino Uno Starter Kit for his 11th birthday last week and he loves it! I have to admit I've been having great fun with it too :D

Excellent :) The more kids that get into programming the better i say. Arduino is great for embedded control, being fairly easy to get going, fairly fast and cheap and its a great springboard for other cool stuff. Its often the things you do when you are around 11 that steer your future path for the rest of your life. It was with me anyway :)

Received a message from the board manufacturer today that batch 1 of the final board blanks has been dispatched to me today. Assembly should be starting later this week for preorder customers pinside.com_img_smilies_icon_smile.gif
Saucer plastics are in transit and i hope to have pics of the box full soon.
Are the Domes there also?? (and the clear ones?!!) :D

waiting on the arrival of the saucers and domes (green). I have a small amount of clear ones aswell, but will order more when i get an idea of interest.
Excellent :) The more kids that get into programming the better i say. Arduino is great for embedded control, being fairly easy to get going, fairly fast and cheap and its a great springboard for other cool stuff. Its often the things you do when you are around 11 that steer your future path for the rest of your life. It was with me anyway :)
Hear, hear!

When I was eleven I was doing APPLE BASIC programming on my Dad's Apple II EuroPlus computer (around the time a few friends were getting ZX81s) and mail-ordering components from Maplin with my pocket money to build a guitar amplifier (my Dad was bass guitarist in a rock'n'roll band).


Roll on 30 odd years and I'm still programming (web applications built using JavaScript - Node.js, Backbone, Mustache, MongoDB, etc) and ordering components online from eBay with my pocket money to rebuild pinball machines and playing with micro-controllers. I bought a guitar amp in the end but my Dad still plays bass in a rock'n'roll band.

Assembly underway pics

Power cable creation


flush parts inserting


flush parts soldered
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next set of parts
Some pics of parts and custom boxes i sourced to ensure safe travel to their new homes! Also the optional extra clear saucer /green bulb add-on is looking at being £5 extra per kit for the pre-orders.

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Instructions are written and Boxing up is starting! I will be sending out the second part invoices with shipping now.
Quick Update. Sent out a load of kits before christmas to happy people all over the world - USA, Europe and Australia. Really great to get such great comments back. I have a couple of kits left, boxed and ready from the first batch of 25, if anyone fancies one now. Price remains at £100 plus postage.

I will also be starting a list for interested people for batch 2 in the near future.
Did you get the saucers custom made? How on earth do you go about doing that? Provide CAD drawings? All very impressive. Boards look fantastic. Wish I had an RFM to put them in!

The saucer plastics are official licenced ones from PPS via pinball heaven. The boards that fit inside them are my own invention
As mentioned a few months back i have been working on some website updates for saucer kit owners to access.The website is now updated and you can register your products. This is the first in a series of website updates at http://mypinballs.co.uk

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Once you are registered and logged in you can access the RFM Saucer Kit members area, where you can download all the documentation and access future software updates. There is also a suggestion form for you to send me your ideas for new features. I hope you like the updates. :)

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Batch 2 Kits assembly is under way now. Get in touch now if you want to be included in this run.

Update: Received my samples of the new saucer plastics that i have been working on with a friend of mine. Here are some pics of how they look. There are some next to the originals as well for comparison. These are made from a nylon based plastic so should be much stronger and the technology used allows a much sharper and cleaner looking saucer. They are available in a range of colours as well as the metal grey finish. The grey has metal particles within itself and so sparkles as it catches the light. The design includes many improvements over the original including a cutout for the cable connector, reinforced supports and lamp segmenting, as well as a more detailed top surface.

I will add some more pics once i've install them into my game. Please let me know what you think of these and if you would want them on your game, or as part of the kit instead of the originals.

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Here is a video of the 2 samples in my rfm game

So full set of colours available are:

Purple (shown above)
Bright Pink
Metallic (shown above)

There are also some other metal options such as stainless steel, bronze steel, nickel steel, gold steel, though i'm not sure what the finish will be like as haven't tried them yet. They are all 'printed', not cast or milled. I do like the sound of bronze steel pinside.com_img_smilies_icon_smile.gif

The plastic finishes are the cheapest and they get more expensive as you add more metal in. So far i like the metallic plastic finish an effect the best. It really looks like 'alien metal' pinside.com_img_smilies_icon_smile.gif

I will provide more details on pricing and how to order shortly
Got any kits left from Batch 2? I gotta gets me one of these!

Hi, Yes you can pre-order for batch 2 on my website store here - http://www.mypinballs.com/electronics/store.jsp This will secure you in the queue for a kit and i will contact you with the remaining cost plus shipping and any extras that you want once the kit is built and tested. The standard batch 2 kit does not come with grey saucer plastics. My enhanced metallic plastic ones are available for an additional £25 with the kit or you can use your own, or some of the other 3rd party ones being created.

Enhanced saucers plastics in a range of colours with pcb boards and clear dome fitted are also available separately from my store, should you wish to upgrade or alter the look later.
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