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MMr poor insert text - call from Chicargo Gaming

Cheers Phil , when they originally called they insisted on shipping them direct to me but if they are now shipping via yourself that's cool and hang fire
Looks like some customers are getting new playfields after all. Statement from Rick:

So, a little update about MMR replacement playfields ... and trying to clarify warranty vs parts:

- A very few MMR playfields were deemed 'unacceptible' by CGC (an emoitional topic) and a few customers were offered replacement playfields under warranty. The arrangement as I understand it was free playfield if the old one was returned, or a $200 reduced core charge if you wanted to keep the playfield (which I think most people would do as retail for MM playfields is $750-850).

- Note that this was for CGC to do as they are responsible for warranty. CGC is contractually not able to sell parts but PPS were ok with the reduced 'core' charge - people will confuse selling a playfield as parts vs offering a discounted core charge as part of warranty. I wish MM playfields with 13 screen colors and alot of rejected were to cost $200, but they don't.

- PPS will be offering MMR replacement playfields on the market, and we are looking at how we can create some discount for those who did not get any dispensation via the review from CGC (i.e. it did not pass their assessment as unacceptable) and have to see what can be done so we will update on this once we get some playfields in, etc.

Anyways, hope this clears up a little on that topic. If you have a warranty issue - that goes to CGC (ticket), etc. If you want to buy a part that comes to PPS or it's MMR parts resellers. We did just get some additional MMR spare parts and more on the way so will have them on the site shortly. In addition we are attempting to get some MMR playfields to have as well.
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