Oh good. Do they have out contact details? Or do we need to get in touch?
Fat chance, they already put the price up last minute! I love pinball!
if I phone Hatfields is there a reference number or anything? I'm working away at the moment and mobile signal is less than great. I can't even get a text message out during the day.
After the recommendations on here I was thinking about ordering some of your premium balls, how many does it take? 4?
Email sentYes 4. Sorry, I am not familiar with your real name from your forum name so I can't tell you anything about the delivery. Perhaps email me? phi@pinball.co.uk
So for $10,000 we get a game that is 18 months late, doesn't come with a power lead, doesn't come with a coin mech, doesn't come with a spare pair of sling shot plastic etc.
They really are going out of their way to try and kill repeat custom aren't they? How much would a power lead have set them back? If saving $2 then means they just lose one future customer as a result of negative publicity was it a good move? The same goes for Stern selling LE versions and then wanting more for a topper, shaker etc
I suspect it won't come with the latest version of the firmwear either from the stuff posted on pinside
Thanks to Phil as always but PPS/CG really are making it hard to share the love
Looking forward to seeing photos of the machines arriving