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MMr colour screen video

I doubt you'll see it retrofitted for MM. Partly because of the technology but mainly because they want people to buy MMr and the colour screen is a great advert for them

Maybe they will do it when the market is saturated but I wouldn't expect it anytime soon.
I asked Phil at the NLP last year if we were likely to get it before Christmas...

I feel a bit of deja vu coming on.
and makes even those normal color dmds look crap
That's because they are, low res images in colour does little for me, the new MMr offering really shows how overrated the std colour DMD's are.

Machines were due here mid Aug as I assume most of us are now paid up, so should be any time now'ish :D
I have now paid Chicago Gaming IN FULL so all we are waiting for is Stern to build them! Not sure of exact timings but we are in the "schedule" of the next batch to be produced... I hope soon.
We've done well there then, we may get the first black trim machines, from what I've seen on pinside none have been shipped anywhere yet.
Yes they are building them they are into the second quater now i think about 300 - 350 have been shipped
This is specifically for mm remake? After seeing the difference in quality from the normal color dmd, it kind of makes me want to hold out and see if they put them in production for other pins. Or is this what's happening?
Details are confusingo_O my understanding is PPS have the rights to the WMS games but Chicago Gaming build MMr (and Stern Assembled them). However, there are plans for future reissues which may or may not involve Chicago Gaming (or Stern). So in future the reissues may or may not have colour screens.

Personally I can't see how someone else could commercially develop another board system etc in a more cost effective way than using the existing CG system so would expect to see AFMr , MBr etc coming from CG.

Hopefully though any future releases will come with similar screens.

As far as I can gather though there aren't plans to extend the colour screens for other non PPS games. However communication isn't really their strong point
What's a CG system?
And why on earth *wouldnt* they sell a popular product to anyone that likes it and wants to buy it?
Yeah Chicago Gaming.
As to why wouldn't they sell a successful product. I'd guess 1) It might not work on an old machine and 2) There is presumably a **** load more money to be made out of selling a whole brand new machine than an upgrade LCD . As it stands it's a fantastic incentive for people to dig deep and buy a 7k machine.

Although I can't imagine an existing MM owner upgrading on the basis of a display I bet there are a few customers who would pick up a NIB on the basis of it which is presumably where the big money is for the company. Selling the thing separately risk bringing in a low level of revenue at the expense of lost bigger sales of machines

Maybe when the bubble bursts and they realise that they can't sell 1000 x TMNTr we'll see a work around and a flurry of updated DMDs. I'd love to see the same treatment give to lots of the old games. Can you imagine how good LOTR would look with this treatment?

All this is conjecture though and I could be talking total ******** (as normal). I'm sure if they did release a similar level of artwork for say TAF then I would be queuing up to give them my cash.

Wonder how long it takes too do all the artwork?
Details are confusingo_O my understanding is PPS have the rights to the WMS games but Chicago Gaming build MMr (and Stern Assembled them). However, there are plans for future reissues which may or may not involve Chicago Gaming (or Stern). So in future the reissues may or may not have colour screens.
so PPS owns the right to market all the old Bally/Williams stuff, and Chicago Games paid PPS to be able to do this, right? so what about the guy that's remaking all the music for WH2O etc (from scratch, with banjos and voiceovers) - why can't they make a deal with him, rather than just stamping on the guy? but i digress ....

how come CG has the rights to manufacture remakes of old games, but maybe future remakes won't involve CG or Stern ....

i'm only asking, i know you already said it's unclear - maybe someone else understands the details better - @mufcmufc ?
so PPS owns the right to market all the old Bally/Williams stuff, and Chicago Games paid PPS to be able to do this, right? so what about the guy that's remaking all the music for WH2O etc (from scratch, with banjos and voiceovers) - why can't they make a deal with him, rather than just stamping on the guy? but i digress ....

Because (at a guess I don't know the backstory) it's altering software, the alteration wasn't done by them but would make them liable for anything going wrong if machines blew up or whatever other crazy crap they imagine will happen, plus license one of these then a precedent is set

how come CG has the rights to manufacture remakes of old games, but maybe future remakes won't involve CG or Stern ....

i'm only asking, i know you already said it's unclear - maybe someone else understands the details better - @mufcmufc ?

CG only have the rights under license from the licensee of Williams (PPS), I would imagine people are getting a little confused by what Rick said, in reality I think he just means stuff like BOP 2.0 (DP) and Funhouse 2.0 (Skit B :o)

As for the MM display, I'm sure it could be ported over to original MMs but it would require a PROC and a PC plus the cost of the code and a TFT display, I imagine them doing a kit would be the only way it would be sold and that kit would be circa $1000
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