no problem with my recent order
Us dealers have a list of customers which are “problematic” also!!! Hahahahahaha
MoP are exceptionally busy. Berts communication skills aren’t the best but sometimes it’s hard. Life is like a blur and some customers are never happy. I think he needs more staff.
Us dealers have a list of customers which are “problematic” also!!! Hahahahahaha
Chris to be fair I have been ordering an awful lot of parts in the last 18 months as Diner is my Sixth restore. Most things I have ordered have been fine, but have also ordered some parts that have not been quite right. I ordered the Diner Decals from Ministry of Pinball as Planetary Pinball did not have them available at the time. Ministry have accepted that they were not right (picture in first post) and asked me to return them. The issue has been the lack of contact since they got them back.Bert and his partner speak perfect English so you won’t need a translator
Buying parts from Europe is 50-50 thing some are great some not so good if you want the genuine stuff buy directly from the states and don’t moan about the shipping and import duty it’s not the first lot of parts you have moaned about Andypc is it
I'm after Scared Stiff bumper caps and inserts but they sold out just as I was about to order.
Think Phil should implement giving a sweet or choc bar with his orders ;-). Like those chupachups lollies that MOP send. Forgot how good they were.
I think it is unfair that one problem on here and people shout BOYCOT and THEY ARE GOING BANKRUPT!
As I said before - phone them - speak to someone - communication is better that way.
People claiming companies going bust or having cash flow issues without supporting the claim can end up in a court room and can actually be part of a problem for a company losing its credit line and customer base. I use 2 companies in Europe and 2 in the UK. All been good to me.
Holy thread resurrection batmanOrdered Friday received on Monday a few parts. Treated my SS to fresh bumper caps and a lovely topper that fits to two spare connections under the playfield. Similar topper must have been available when new..View attachment 101845
Holy thread resurrection batman![]()
Paul - The reason for the thread and the sticky was in response to the Bad goods and service/issues that people were seeing when created.@Paul I think that it is unfair to single out Ministry of Pinball and make this thread a sticky: the company is legitimate and Bertjan who runs it is one of pinball's good guys. Clearly there have been some problems with one or two orders - I don't know any particular details of both sides of the story - but so do most companies. Maybe it is time to unsticky this thread? If we drive the good guys out of business then who is going to be left?