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Wishing you all the best for tomorrow Col. Hope it goes well and that you recover quickly.
Epic news, thank you for the update.Hi all I’ve spoken to col tonight and he’s finding it painful to text so he’s asked me to let all you guys and dolls an update !
“Im euphoric”
Was his first words to me in a very croky voice! His op lasted almost 3 and half hours , longer than expected but when a nurse came round after the op she assured him it had gone better than they all expected. He’s still waiting to get his visit from the surgeon but needless to say they only took half of the kidney and thankfully he still has his spleen.
He’s in great spirits and used the word euphoric because all the worry and anxiety he feels has now melted away and of course he survived the op.
Wendy, gabe and family have been to visit and he’s having great crack with the docs and nurses . (Crack as in laugh not drugs)
He’s on morphine and in a fair bit of pain but he’s told me to tell you he’s now got giants balls which he’s pleased about but a side effect is he’s lost two inches elsewhere
He wants me to thank everyone on the forum for the well wishes and wants me to let you know he’ll be back on the forum in a day or two when he can text a little better.
Speaking for myself I’ve been worried about col today I’m chuffed like you all will be he’s made it through and will be back to his best with a little rest .
Cheers Paul