Most Pinballs have some form of toys 90s onwards if not like
@Neil McRae head to poundland
My STTNG had them. Ritchie said they should have fitted them as its a super drain spot and negates it a little
Kinda, but nowadays deep rules are expected due to the fact a lot of new pins end up HUO so the buyers expect a few ways to approach a pin with a few mini wizard modes and a final wizard mode sometimes almost unreachable.
Rather than wait for the right pin just buy something on here that you know you can move on when the time comes for a change. Remember theres no such thing as a ****e Pin especially when you dont currently own one.
Unless you live near something like Tilt and the likes its better to have somthing you can keep honing your skills, tinkering with and most of the time be pleasantly surprised with and grow to enjoy. Hell theres some on here swear that Gilligans Island is a great pin whereas I think the Latest JP is crap. Go figure.
Oh and BTW ive bought 3 pins in the last few weeks just becase ive never played them before, they may come and go only time will tell.